Chapter 92: The survivors

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You landed back outside Hosu just as darkness fell. Kirishima was taken straight to one of the healer's tents at Chiyo's orders and Bakugo and Mina went with him.

Katsuki looked at you before he followed the pink dragon, but you gave him a soft smile and nodded your head. You'd be fine without him; you weren't going anywhere. The war was over, and the bad guys lost. Everything was right in the world. Or so you hoped your smile conveyed.

Truthfully, you were still worried. The disappearance of the witch's body unnerved you and you couldn't shake the feeling of unease about it.

"You don't have to worry." Midoirya had snuck up next to you and whispered in your ear making you jump.

"How do you know?" You asked him, searching his eyes to see if he was lying just to make you feel better.

You could always tell when Izuku was lying, he was so bad at it. But as you looked at his face you didn't see any of the telltale signs you usually did. He was looking you straight in the eye, and he wasn't sweating or fidgeting. He must be sure of the words that had come out of his mouth; you felt your shoulders relax a little.

"Don't forget, I have new powers now." He whispered so only you could hear. "If anything were a miss, Danger Sense would tell me, I'm sure of it." He smiled at you confidently and then turned to Ochako.

The poor mage was beat. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she had heavy dark circles under them. Even her feet looked unsteady as she gripped her staff for support, a fact neither you nor Midoriya had failed to notice.

"Won't you excuse us for a moment, I think this one needs some rest." He said, gently scooping the mage into his arms. He kissed your friend's forehead lovingly with a soft smile and carried her into the medical tent next to the one Kirishima had been taken to. Your heart swelled with happiness for them, and you instinctively grabbed the necklace Katsuki had given you; somehow it had survived the war intact, you hoped that was a good omen.

You watched Midoriya's back disappearing behind the tent flap with Ochako's arm around his neck, and you smiled. They'd made it out alive, you all had. Even... wait. What about the others? Suddenly you were panicking again, wondering about the fate of your other new friends. What about Ida? Kaminari? Aoyama? And all the other new knights in training you'd befriended at Heisha? And...

You turned to Sero, "Where is prince Shoto?"

"I think you mean His Majesty King Shoto Todoroki..." You turned to see Commander Mirio and Captain Amajiki slowly making their way towards you. "You dragon riders sure like to make an entrance. Am I right?" Mirio laughed.

Amajiki sighed and shook his head at his secret lover, he looked tired. "Endeavour was killed in battle, his son is acting king for now, until his official coronation when we return to the capital."

Poor Shoto, you thought. You wondered how the prince was taking his father's death. You knew they were at odds with one another, but they were still family. You suspected he must be feeling conflicted right about now. "Where is he? I want to see him." You asked again.

"Follow us, we'll take you to him." The captain turned around and you and the commander followed him. Sero accompanied you too. You weren't exactly sure why, but you guessed he was keeping an eye on you for Bakugo's sake. Not that you minded the company, but you both knew you didn't need a bodyguard.

You approached the tent and saw the first familiar face, standing guard. You let out a relieved sigh and ran up to hug him.

"Ida!" You collided with his cold metal armor and hugged him tightly. His breast plate was dented, and he was sporting a black eye under his broken glasses, but he smiled back at you as you released him and stepped back.

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