Chapter 14: The Web of Fate

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Image: Temple of All Might

After the encounter with the mysterious man in the woods, Izuku found it hard to sleep. His thoughts kept drifting to you; where had that dragon taken you, and why? The cloaked man had assured him you were safe, but that didn't stop him worrying. He didn't doubt that you could take care of yourself, but still, a dragon? 

He'd read the odd book about them back at the library in Inaka, but he didn't know they still existed. It was common knowledge that during the last great war, the vast majority of the fire drakes were wiped out alongside the ice dragons, the latter becoming extinct entirely, but the fact that none of their fire breathing brethren had been seen on the mainland since, gave Izuku the impression they'd eventually died out too. Yet now he'd seen one with his own two eyes, he had to concede he was wrong. 

But why had one resurfaced now all of a sudden? And who was that riding on its back? Whoever it was, must be extraordinary to have tamed such a beast, he thought. But what was their motive for kidnapping you? Or was it just by chance that you were targeted by the winged monster?

As the light of day creeped over the treetops to the east, he gave up trying to sleep with all these questions flitting about his mind and sat up. He sighed and shook his head to clear it; there was no point dwelling on these questions right now, instead he should be focusing on what came next. Namely, should he follow the stranger's advise and head to the All Might temple where answers might await him, or should he carry on to the capital first and finish the job you had started?

Fidgeting with the letter he had written to your father as the sun climbed higher into the sky, Izuku decided he had waited long enough, so he finally roused Kaminari and Aoyama from their slumber. Kaminari rubbed his eyes groggily as he rolled over and Aoyama stretched his arms over his head, yawning widely while Izuku put out the remnants of their campfire. 

It didn't take Denki as long to wake up and gather his things that morning as it had before; Izuku got the feeling that he'd been leaning on your leadership previously, but now you were gone Kaminari was stepping up to take a more active role in their journey. Midoriya had thought as much last night; but he got the impression that Denki was a lot more capable than he initially let on however he seemed happy to let others take charge if he thought he didn't have to. 

But the fact that Kaminari didn't seem to trust Izuku to pick up the extra slack in your absence, led him to feel superfluous. If even Denki lacked confidence in his ability to lead, then was there any point in accompanying the pair any further?

Midoriya hung back as Aoyama started following Kaminari back onto the cobbles of the King's Road, with the latter facing confidently north towards the capital as he led the way. The bards behaviour however, helped make up Izuku's mind. If they didn't feel like he was needed, then he would do as the mysterious man said and head south instead.

"Midoriya? Is something wrong?" Kaminari asked, turning back to face the green haired boy when he noticed Izuku wasn't following them.

Izuku kept his eyes averted to the ground, his expression unreadable. "I'm not coming with you guys."

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