Chapter 23: Words left unspoken

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When everyone had retired to their rooms for the night, Bakugo began paced back and forth across the floor; he was arguing with himself.

Just tell her you love her!

But how do I know if I do? I've only known her a few days!

Don't be stupid, you know you do, she's not like anyone you've ever met before.

Still, it's too soon, right?

Who cares how long it's been? If it's right, it's right.

It does feel right....

I should ask her to marry me.

What if she says no?

Oh, come on, you know she won't, look at the way she looks at you. And remember what she said last night.

But if I ask her to marry me, I'll only be proving the old hag right.

No, screw the hag, Tsuki makes me happy. What does it matter what my mother thinks?

Urgh, that stupid smug face she'll give me though...

Better than the look that half and half bastard has on his face every time he looks at her, or that gorilla from the tavern...

They can all go to hell! She's mine!

She won't BE yours unless you ask her to be.

He looked up and scrapped his fingers down his face, pulling on his bottom lip as he did. The moonlight from outside was illuminating the white ceiling above his head giving it a slightly blue glow.

He wanted to kiss you again, he thought, and hold you in his arms; but he also didn't want to rush anything and scare you off somehow. He turned to stare off into space out of the open window over the castle grounds. The short, trimmed grass of the lawns shimmered and the trees in the distance swayed in the gentle breeze, the air was growing warmer as spring began to give way to summer, not that the summers on the mainland were anywhere near as hot as him own homeland. He thought about leaving it a while before asking you to marry him, there would be plenty of time for that later. The only problem was Todoroki... The capital prince was getting far too cozy with you for his liking, and he worried the bastard might try and take you from him. What if he did? Would you let him? Urgh, these thoughts were killing him.

He made up his mind, at the very least he wanted to talk to you again, just the two of you. He wanted to hear you tell him what he meant to you again. Did you really mean it when you said you couldn't imagine living in a world without him? Could he truly believe that? He almost didn't want to hope. But he needed to know.

He decided to just go and knock on your window. He stepped outside onto the balcony, but your window was already open, the white curtains were fluttering in the breeze, and he peeked inside your room about to announce his presence. The words on his lips died however when he saw you, curled up in a ball on the bed, still fully dressed, hugging one of the featherdown pillows with a smile on your face. You were fast asleep.

He walked over to you quietly and pulled the thick bedsheet up over your shoulders. You stirred slightly at his touch as his fingers brushed your shoulder and half opened your eyes to look up at him. You sighed contently and smiled at him without really comprehending he was really there next to you. You snuggled down further under the sheets and mumbled out to him.

"Close the door Katsuki, it's cold."

He chuckled lightly and kissed your forehead as you lost consciousness again.

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