Chapter 34: A parting of ways

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Image: The assassin's village

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Image: The assassin's village

The next morning you woke with a mix of emotions, the predominant one being a satisfied sense of accomplishment at having saved Eri last night. But attached to that satisfaction was the unsettling feeling that your hands were now tarnished with death. With this came a new creeping feeling of foreboding which was brewing in your chest.

The closer you got to the barracks, the more real the coming war seemed to feel. It wasn't until the events of last night that you really had to face the fact that you or someone you cared about could end up dying in this war. The swift death of Chisuki and his henchmen had brought your own mortality to light and although you weren't afraid of fighting, or scared of dying yourself, you couldn't help but think of everything you now had to lose if you did. Your father, Izuku, all your new friends, but mostly Katsuki.

Your heart ached for him, you already missed him more than you ever thought possible and couldn't wait to see him again, even if it would be in preparation for a war that could potentially take both of your lives.

You hadn't once taken off the string of amber beads he gave you. You even slept wearing them as if their contact with your skin was connecting you to him physically. You found yourself absent mindedly playing with them often, such was the case when you had finished packing your horse that morning, ready to depart north again on the long trip from Kamino to Heisha.

You were stood staring off into the distance, running your fingers over the warm orange gems as a purple haired figure approached you from behind, so lost in your thoughts of the fiery prince that the tired eyed boy had to tap you on the shoulder to get your attention.

"Oh, Shinso, you're back. Have you come to see us off?" You asked, surely now his mission was complete there was no reason for him to be back in the village.

"Actually, I came to find you before you left." He looked slightly awkward, looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh?" You cocked your head to the side, wondering what he wanted from you.

"I know you're supposed to be heading to the barracks to train as a knight with the others, but I had a thought when I saw how you handled yourself last night. How would you like to come train with the assassins instead?" He chanced a glance up at your face to see what your reaction would be.

You stood staring at him, slightly open mouthed as his suggestion sunk in. Well, the only reason you were going to train as a knight in the first place was for Izuku's sake. But after last night, you didn't think you were worthy of such an honorable title as "knight". You still intended to go there to train with your friends, but if they tried to recruit you officially you were prepared to decline the offer.

However, this quiet violet eyed boy was now offering you an alternative. A fighting style that seemed to resonate more with you. Stealth had always been your strong suit, after all you were a hunter, and after last night...

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