Chapter 6: The Amphitheatre

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Image: The Amphitheatre (closest image I could find to what I had imagined, probably would be a bit smaller and not have the walls around the top of the seating area

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Image: The Amphitheatre (closest image I could find to what I had imagined, probably would be a bit smaller and not have the walls around the top of the seating area. the whole thing would be sunken into the ground)

You woke up sometime in the morning sweltering under the thick woolen cloak and instantly threw it off you. You opened your eyes to find yourself still in the barbarian's tent and stretched out on the fur strewn ground to loosen your stiff muscles. Elongating your arms and legs, feeling a dull ache in your shoulder and hips, you grumbled at how unrested you felt. You were so over sleeping on the floor, you missed your own straw filled mattress back home; it wasn't the most comfortable, but at least it was better than waking up to a rock jammed in your side.

You sat up and looked around for the barbarian, but he wasn't there. Instead, the red headed boy from yesterday was sat perched on the edge of the table watching you as he ate a small orange sphere that squirted liquid in all directions as he bit into it.

"Good morning princess!" He smiled with a sharp toothed grin as he swallowed his mouthful and threw one of the orange fruits to you. You caught it reflexively and turned it in your hands with a questioning expression.

"What? Haven't you seen an orange before?" He chuckled watching you inspect the waxy exterior. "Peel it." He instructed, "Don't eat the skin." 

You did as he suggested, peeling back the rind to find it split into segments inside. You tore one off and put it in your mouth. It was delicious. The second you bit into the slice, juice burst out of it and filled your mouth. Your face lit up as you quickly ate another slice, and another; the sweet nectar helping to quench your considerable thirst from this dry climate.

"Sorry about our little misunderstanding yesterday." Kirishima said, "it really did sound like you were in trouble." He explained, jumping off the table and holding out his hand with a smile. "Let's start over. Hi! My name is Eijiro Kirishima, personal dragon and best friend of Prince Katsuki Bakugo of the Bakugo Tribe. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

You took the boys hand and shook it; you still couldn't quite believe this cheerful boy was the same beast that had plucked you off the side of the mountain yesterday. Nor could you believe just how different he was from his master. From what you had seen yesterday, the prince was an aggressive, short tempered hot head with very little patience or manners. Where as Kirishima was friendly and charming and made you feel instantly welcome. You smiled back at him and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Kirishima, my name is Tsuki Ryoshi. I'm a hunter from Inaka village on the mainland." 

"A hunter huh? Well, that explains the bow you were carrying and your funny clothes." He said looking you up and down. "Speaking of which, I bet you'll want to get changed into something a bit cooler." 

Before you could reply, he turned around and grabbed a pile of orange and red fabric from the table. He spun around to held them out to you. "The queen said I should give you these to wear, I hope they fit ok." 

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