Chapter 1: A shriek in the forest

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Image: The Beast's Forest near Inaka

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Image: The Beast's Forest near Inaka

Izuku was sat in a gap between the roots of a large oak tree taking notes on some new herbs he'd just discovered by the nearby stream. He started muttering quietly to himself as he sketched out the leaf shape and noted the exact colour of the narrow petals of its tiny flowers. You were lounging on your back on a branch above his head, your leg swinging back and forth as you whittled down some new arrows. The bright spring sunshine was filtering through the canopy overhead, its golden rays dancing on the fresh leaves sprouting from the great oak.

This was your favourite spot in the whole forest; about three miles northeast from the village, just after a fork in the stream. It was where your father took you on your first hunting trip and where you made your first kill. Your quarry had been a young deer with a fresh set of antlers protruding from his head. The animal had been sharpening the tips of its antlers on the very tree you were now sat in as your arrow hit home. It was a clean kill and you were so proud of yourself, but it took you all day to drag the poor thing back home even with the help of your dad.

You finished working on the arrow in your hand, blew away the shavings and placed it in your quiver. Confidently, you stood up on the swaying branch and swung down gracefully to the ground next to izuku making him jump.

"Think it's about time we found ourselves something for lunch." you stated stretching your arms above your head.

"Right!" Midoriya smiled in agreement, snapping his book shut and tucking it in the inner pocket of his vest. He screwed the lid of his ink well tight and placed it and his quill in the brown leather bag he carried with him everywhere and stood up.

You were scanning the trees around you to find a good vantage point, hoping to spot a bird's nest for some eggs when you heard a high-pitched shriek coming from somewhere to your left. You looked enquiringly at Izuku who raised an eyebrow in response. That was definitely not a normal sound from the forest. Without a word, you shrugged your shoulder, rolling your bow off it and notched an arrow as you made your way towards the noise.

The closer you got, the louder the screeching got, and soon you could hear another voice along side it. One person constantly shrieking like a wailing banshee but the other voice seemed to be pleading for their lives. You motioned for Izuku to stay hidden as you approached silently, remaining shielded from their view by a bush at the edge of the clearing.

"Seriously, you don't want to eat us! We're just skin and bone there's no meat on us!"


"Come on now, put the knife down, I swear we won't taste good. Nothing but gristle on these noble boys."

The chatty one gave a nervous giggle as you saw an ogre walk closer towards him holding a fileting knife. The bound boy tipped his head backward trying to move away from the knife as it drew closer to his throat. He gulped and his feathered hat fell from his head. From where you were hidden you noticed a black lightning bolt shape in his long golden fringe and wondered briefly if it was natural or not before the other victim drew your attention.

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