Chapter 51: Show me what you can do

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The next morning Izuku was woken by the harsh sound of a bugle horn, the first rays of the morning sun hadn't yet broken over the horizon as he and the other boys dressed in the uniforms provided. Mineta complained that he hadn't been able to sleep well due to his restraints. But everyone else hadn't slept well because of his snoring, so sympathy was in short supply.

The boys lined up outside the mess hall alongside the girls in neat lines, everyone was wearing the same set of khaki green slacks and tank tops with well-polished black leather boots. Even the mage was wearing the training gear provided.

"I didn't think you were going to be training too Ochako." Izuku asked her.

The sleepy girl rubbed her eyes, her bedhead evident from the strands of hair stuck up at odd angles at the back of her head. "Hmm? Of course I am! Why wouldn't I?" She seemed to wake up more as she spoke. "I can't wait to learn how to fight!" She demonstrated by throwing a punch with each fist into the air in front of her.

"Ururaka? You know these men?" The tall girl asked, stood behind her in the line.

"Yeah, we travelled here together. I met Izuku in Shiketsu and we picked up the rest in the capital." She introduced the boys to the girls on either side of her. "This is Momo Yaoyorozu, and Kyoka Jiro."

Yaoyorozu greeted them all politely and Jiro nodded to them. "You're that bard I saw yesterday." She addressed Kaminari.

"You noticed me huh?" Kaminari grinned with a smug look. "Do you like music?" He said shuffling down the line pushing past Aoyama to stand next to the purple haired girl.

"You could say that. My parents are part of the royal orchestra." She said trying to look nonchalant as she folded her arms behind her head.

"Oh wow really?! What instruments do they play? I play the lute and I'm not too shabby with a lyre either. Do you play any instruments?"

"Well, I-" She'd turned pink having been put on the spot. "I can play a few yeah. My parents can play pretty much everything, but my mum favours the harp, and my dad usually plays wind instruments like the flute."

The two continued their discussion of music throughout breakfast leaving Yaoyorozu to talk with the rest of the group.

"So how long have you been training here Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked as they sat down at a bench with their oatmeal.

"Me and Jiro arrived just three days ago. It's been an experience to say the least. But we're all treated fairly, and you get used to the food I guess." She said letting a spoonful of the thick porridge drip off her utensil back into the bowl. "My family are quiet wealthy you see; I'm not used to living by such simple means. But I'll make do to make them proud."

"Yaoyorozu? Are you related to the Count and Countess Yaoyorozu?" Shoto asked her.

She nodded, "Yes that's right. They are my parents."

"My father spoke often of your family. I believe he wanted to arrange a betrothal with their eldest daughter."

Yaoyorozu went pink. "A, a betrothal... to you, your majesty?"

"I believe so yes. He said he would request your eldest sister be sent to the palace for a marriage interview. That is the disagreement we had when I left the capital before Ida, Izuku and the others rescued me from the bandits." He explained to group. "I told him I refused to agree to an arranged marriage, you're supposed to love the person you're going to marry."

Yaoyorozu had gone very red and appeared to be flustered. Todoroki noticed this and put down his spoon.

"Are you unwell? Should I send for a healer?" He was about to stand up and request assistance when the blushing girl spoke.

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