Chapter 38: Truces and Tactics

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Dawn was beginning to break when Bakugo and Kirishima reached the border of the Arechi desert; they were both exhausted beyond belief. Bakugo had no idea how his friend had managed to stay airborne as long as he had, and he was proud of his dragon; Eijiro was the strongest person he knew, and he never told him enough.

"Hey shitty hair, we're nearly there, don't give up just yet." He said patting the dragon on the neck, not that he'd really feel it in his dragon form.

Kirishima smiled to himself at Bakugo's encouragement. You really had softened him somewhat and he was glad for his prince. He would give everything for the two of you, that's why he didn't respond with mental words, he just grunted his acknowledgment and continued south, gradually dropping out of the sky to land haphazardly in the sand just in front of the camp's gate.

As soon as Kirishima hit the ground, he transformed with Bakugo still on top of him. He was sprawled face down in the sand with Bakugo straddling his back. The latter rolled off to the side and turned his friend over, holding him up in his lap.

Kirishima smiled up at his master. Bakugo's softened expression was enough to tell the dragon that he was grateful, so he lifted his weak arm and bumped his fist into the prince's chest. "Don't sweat it man."

Bakugo felt his feeble fist connect with his skin and watched the dragon's eyes fall closed as his remaining strength left his body. He lifted the boy up over his should as he had so many times before and carried his limp figure into the village, taking him to his tent to rest.

Bakugo himself was also tired, neither of them had eaten since they left the palace in the capital, he felt weak, and carrying Eijiro's heavy body let him know just how much his own strength had faded. He placed the red head on his bed and went to go find his mother, better to get this out of the way before sleeping.

On his way to the queen's tent, he stopped off at the food stores and grabbed some dried meat and a roll of bread, tearing into it as he walked down the empty streets. It was so early nobody was awake yet. When he reached his parents tent, he waited outside for a moment finishing his food before yelling to wake them up.

"Oi! You best be decent in there! It's too early for that crap! I'm coming in!" He shouted at the tent flap, he didn't enter straight away, giving them chance to come round and make themselves somewhat presentable. After a moment his father stepped out, still in his sleep attire, he wrapped his arms around his son, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Katsuki! Thank the Gods! We were so worried about you! Come inside."

Bakugo had an irritated look on his face as his father pulled him inside still holding him tight. He'd missed his parents sure, but gods, did he have to hold him so tight? Anyone would think he almost died or something.

Oh, that's right, the last they heard I'd jumped off Eijiro's back into the ocean. For all they knew I was dead. Katsuki softened a little at this realization, suddenly feeling bad that he hadn't thought to send them a letter from the capital or something like you had.

That soft expression however was short lived as his mother walked out from behind the changing screen now fully dressed, with a murderous look on her face.

"Katsuki Bakugo! What the hell happened out there!? You willingly leapt into the ocean!? What the hell were you thinking?!"

Katsuki's scowl swiftly returned as he yelled back at his mother. "Tsuki fell in okay! I couldn't just let her die!" He folded his arms across his chest and looked away as his mother stood staring at him with her hands on her hips.

He was waiting for a barrage of yelling about how he was a prince and a commander and how his troops should have come before some foreign girl he barely knew. What he didn't expect was for her to close the gap between them and wrap her arms around him in a tight embrace.

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