Chapter 49: I missed you

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You woke with dry, tired eyes and a stiff neck from the odd position you had been sleeping in. You sat up rubbing your eyes to look at your sleeping prince on the bed in front of you. The bandages around his chest had grown red where the wound had been re-opened by the mage in order to close the tear in his lung.

The healer, Chiyo Shuzenji, had done all that she could for Bakugo, but she couldn't restore the blood he had already lost so he would be weak for some time even after the wounds closed fully.

Kirishima had returned with the herbs the mage needed and she was sat at the table with him instructing the dragon how to prepare them before she could make a balm that would help heal the laceration quicker.

"No, no! You need to be more precise. Cut them all the same size, like this." She told him taking the knife from his hand and demonstrating the exact length the chicory roots needed to be.

"Sorry, I'll get it right this time." Said Eijiro taking back the knife and continuing his work. He took extra care to ensure the white fibers of the vegetable were cut to the same size as the one Chiyo had prepared.

"Is there anything I can do?" you asked, standing next to the pair feeling useless with your hands empty by your side.

"You've helped enough already deary. Why don't you go get cleaned up?" Said the old lady softy, looking pointedly at your clothes and hands.

You looked down at yourself, lifting your hands to see the dark dried blood covering them. You nodded silently in agreement and went outside.

It was morning now and the sun was beginning to bring warmth to the chilly breeze skittering over the lake's surface. You knelt down at the water's edge and washed your hands in the cold waves that lapped gently against the grassy shore. You stared blankly at your fingers as you scrubbed at them trying to remove the persistent flakes of dried gore attached to them.

You felt numb as you stared into the glassy surface, last night had drained you emotionally and it was a comfort just to go through the motions of cleansing yourself. You saw the smeared blood on your cheeks in your reflection and stripped off your clothes and unfastened your hair, letting the dirt matted locks fall down your back as you slid into the frigid water. Your heartrate spiked, your body rejecting the freezing temperature of the lake as you dropped below the surface, submerging your head and running your hands over your face to dislodge the remnants of yesterday's battle. The cold water helped clear your head and brought you back to the present.

"Tsuki! What are you doing! You'll freeze to death!" Mina had stepped outside and saw you climbing naked out of the water shivering uncontrollably. She ran back inside and grabbed you a towel which you accepted gratefully.

"Thanks Mina, I just needed to get the blood off." You said rubbing yourself down and looking at the blood-soaked clothes on the floor. You didn't want to put them back on, but all your things were still at the guild.

Mina seemed to know what you were thinking and helped you get dressed. "It's ok, Kirishima will keep an eye on him, we can go get you some clean clothes. Come on."

Once you were dressed again Mina waded into the water herself and transformed so you could climb on her back. Her pink scales glimmered in the sunlight with a pearlescent sheen. They felt softer than Kirishima's too and radiated the heat from her flesh beneath. You couldn't help but lean forward and try to absorb as much of the warmth from her as you could.

The dragon sensed this and gave you a moment before grunting that she was about to take flight. You lifted your head at the sound and held onto the last spine at the base of her neck as she beat her wings and rose into the air. You still didn't feel like yourself as you crossed the vast lake and returned to the shore of the Beast's Forest. Your bow and sword were where you'd left them yesterday, propped up against a tree along with your cloak. You slid off Mina's back and picked up your belongings, throwing the cape back over your shoulders for some additional warmth. The two of you walked together in silence back to the assassin's lofty village and Mina whistled for the lift when you pointed over your head at the contraption. Ojiro was the one who operated the platform bringing the two of you to the canopy. He didn't ask any questions when he saw the look on your face, only escorting you quietly to Aizawa's house. You suspected your expression looked grave. You wanted to tell him it was okay, that Bakugo was still alive, and would make a full recovery. But even though that was true, until he woke up and told you himself that he was okay, your brain just couldn't accept it.

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