Chapter 8: Life as a Barbarian

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When you awoke what felt like days later, but in reality must have only been a couple of hours, it was to find that Bakugo wasn't in the tent anymore. You looked around groggily for your stuff, relieved to find everything untouched; not that you expected him to rifle through you things or anything, but had it been anyone else you wouldn't have been surprised if they had. For some reason you couldn't explain, you got the feeling that Bakugo was the honorable type despite all appearances. This allowed you to relax a bit more, feeling safe in the knowledge that he was trustworthy. To that end, you left your weapons where they were and put your new red shoes and cape on, deciding to leave your possessions unattended for the evening. You were pretty sure nobody in the tribe would dare steal anything from the prince's tent or attack you while you were accompanying him, so you didn't feel the need to arm yourself to the teeth, but it didn't stop you slipping your dagger back into the bindings of your left shoe just incase. 

You held up the tent flap and stepped out into the fading light as the sun disappeared over the roof of the canyon. You were relieved to feel a slight coolness to the air; though the heat absorbed by the earth throughout the long hot day was still radiating from the fine sand, it wouldn't be long now until the sun set completely and the night sky would begin to fill with stars. You couldn't believe you'd slept away the whole afternoon. A gentle breeze lifted your hair as you looked around for any indication as to where the barbarian prince might have gone but couldn't see the spikey head of blond hair anywhere, nor the vertical shards of red to indicate Kirishima was nearby.

Deciding to go look for them, you set out into the village. Not quite sure where you were intending to head as you began wandering aimlessly through the tents, you found yourself back at the amphitheatre. The sound of shouts and grunts along with the odd clash of metal on metal told you people where still training down there and you approached the edge to peer down into the training circle below.

There they were; Bakugo was sparing with Kirishima this time, both holding their preferred weapons of choice as they attacked and parried one another in the ring. Kirishima had the long daggers he'd used in your match and Bakugo was wielding twin blades as well, only his were long curved swords no doubt muxch heavier and harder to handle than the lightweight blades held by his opponent. 

Not wanting to interrupt, you sat on one of the top tiers of the stands to watch the pair expertly predicted and countered each other's moves. Just watching them told you they knew their partner well; Bakugo fainted Kirishima out and went in for a low blow after faking a direct thrust to the chest, which was effortlessly blocked by the dragon who clearly knew what was coming and dodged both strikes without so much as batting an eye. 

It was hard not to admire them both; Kirishima was strong and stood his ground easily against the prince, but Bakugo was something else, the way he moved... it was almost like he was dancing with his opponent. His muscular body was powerful but also very agile. The way he twisted and turned, his movements were so graceful... it was almost mesmerizing and you couldn't drag your eyes away from him.

You were so absorbed in their match that you didn't register the two people who had sidled over to sit on either side of you in the stands.

"He's something else, isn't he?" Said a snide voice in your ear.

"Yeah..." You said in a daze, before jumping out of your skin when realized someone was right next to you. Registering what you had just said,  you shuck your head and tried to undo the insinuation of your words before the stranger next to you got the wrong idea. "Sorry, what?"

The black-haired boy from Bakugo's earlier sparred match that morning was leaning back on his hands to observe the princes current match, but his gaze casually slid over to meet yours with a smirk as your cheeks tinged pink.

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