Chapter 13: The Mages of Meiji Island

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Image: Meiji Island

You woke with a start. Bakugo was still holding onto you in the dark; the fire had almost gone out and it was hard to see, but his slow heavy breathing was reassuring. However, you had a nagging feeling in your gut; something had woken you, but you weren't quite sure what. The gentle lapping sound of the waves against the sand seemed peaceful enough, and the weather was quite tame. There were no loud animal noises or twittering birds this late at night, so that wasn't it... Still, you had the weirdest feeling you were being watched.

You carefully edged out of Bakugo's arms and tried to look around, but in doing so you woke the prince.

"What is it?" He asked in a hushed voice, instantly alert when he saw the look on your face. 

You pressed your finger to your lips for him to keep quiet as you tried to listen out for any unusual sounds around you. There. A slight shift in the sand to your right, your hand instantly reached for your sword and drew it. Bakugo hadn't hesitated either, the second your hand reached for your sword both of his were in his fists and his back was pressed against yours as you stood ready for an ambush. 

"Who's there? Show yourself!" You shouted into the night.

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean to startle you! We don't mean you any harm!" A girl's voice replied from the direction you'd heard the noise. "We just saw the fire and came to check it out." 

She sounded sincere but you still couldn't see her. "Where are you? Show yourselves." You demanded again, this time sounding a little less hostile, but still not lowering your weapon.

"Erm, I can't really do that... Ochako, help me out here!" She hissed to someone else.

A cloaked figure stepped forward out of the bushes and lowered their hood. It was a brown-haired girl with rosy cheeks and a kind expression. She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck with one hand, the other was holding a tall staff of twisted wood which held three gemstones inlaid at the tip.

"S-sorry," she said timidly, "Hagakure can't show herself, she's... kinda invisible."

Invisi-what now? "What do you mean invisible?" You asked skeptically.

"Invisible, you know, you can't see her. She was cursed by a witch years ago because she was jealous of how pretty she was, so now nobody can see her." Ochako giggled nervously.

"I see," you said, starting to drop your defensive stance, but still not sheathing your weapon. Bakugo hadn't budged an inch, he didn't seem to trusting them for a second. 

"So, what brings you to Meiji Island?" Chimed the disembodied voice of Hagakure.

"That's none of your business!" Bakugo growled.

He was still displaying an overwhelming air of hostility towards these two girls, though it was clear to you now that they were trying to be friendly. You elbow him in the ribs and gave him a look that said to be nicer. He glanced at you with an "I don't think so" expression and you sighed.

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