Chapter 72: The End

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Bakugo propelled himself skyward; the explosions he created reverberated in his eardrums causing them to ring and the world around him to go silent as he flew into the air. He reached out towards you, willing himself to grasp your outstretched hand, but the tips of his fingers didn't even come level with the end of the monster's tail before he felt himself losing momentum. Dabi beat his huge scaly wings, carrying you even further away from him as Katsuki came to a stop midair only a few short meters away from your waiting arms.

"Nooo!" He shouted the word, as every fiber of his being screamed at him to reach you, but the sound was muted to his damaged ears, and he barely heard the crack in his own voice as tears filled his eyes. He blinked the liquid furiously from his vision, he couldn't allow himself to take his eyes off you, even as he began to fall back to earth. While the image of you in the dragon's fist grew smaller in front of him, the ringing in his ears subsided and was replaced with the roar of the speeding wind as he plummeted to the ground.

"I've got you man!" Kirishima's voice was accompanied by an abrupt mass hitting his back, the contact with the ascending dragon knocked all the air from his lungs, but the force steadied him and brought him back to reality. It wasn't over yet, he could still save you, because he wasn't alone.

"Shitty hair?"

"I told you man; I'm going to protect both of you. I'll always have your back." Kirishima's mental voice was reassuring and full of resolve, and Bakugo's heart filled with a sad sense of relief; sometimes he didn't feel like he deserved such a good friend, but he was glad he had Kirishima.

"Thanks Ei."

"Now let's go get your princess!" Kirishima said as Bakugo shifted into a riding position, and they sped higher into the air after you and Dabi.


The snow-covered ground was fading away from you; the dragon, Dabi, had a vicelike grip on your waist and you could barely breath with how tight he was holding you. You struggled with all your might, but his claws only tightened around you further. There was a loud bang and a flash of orange light below you, you looked down to see Katsuki shooting up from the ground towards you, his hands outstretched. You reached out to him, calling his name, but the distance between you was too great, you could already see him slowing down and when he was almost within reach the momentum from his magical explosion died and he began falling once again. You watched as Kirishima came up below him and caught him in midair, before the two of them raced after you. Mina was hot on their tail with someone else on her back, it looked like Midoirya.

Your eyes began to fill with tears, as relief and worry filled your chest. Your heart had nearly stopped when Katsuki began falling out of the sky before Kirishima caught him, you were so grateful to the red dragon, but now four of the people most precious to you were chasing after a deadly foe to try and rescue you, and you feared for their safety even more than your own. You wanted to shout at them to stay away; they were all putting themselves in danger by following you. You'd seen what Dabi's blue fire was capable of, and in a dragon form you had no doubt the flames would be even more ferocious. You didn't care what happened to you now as long as they were safe.

You mentally called out to Mina. "Leave me, it's okay, I'll figure something out." You tried to keep your internal voice steady to convey that you would be fine and that you'd get away from Dabi somehow when you were back on solid ground, but even in your head your voice shook.

"Not on your life!" Mina shouted back; you could hear the rage filling her thoughts. "I swore an oath to protect you with my life and that's exactly what I'm gonna do!"

"Don't be an idiot! He could kill all of you! I'd never forgive myself if any of you die because of me. Just take care of Izuku, I'm sure if he intended to kill me, he would have done so already." This thought only occurred to you as you said it. What did Dabi want with you anyway? You'd seen him saying something to Katsuki while you were fighting Toga, but you couldn't hear what they were saying.

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