Chapter 80: The long-lost prince

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Endeavour had made short work of the monsters conjured by Mr. Compress and was now advancing on the warlock himself. The grin had faltered from the masked man's face as his last and largest minion, a golem made of molten rock, had fallen to the sword of the king. A more serious expression crossed his face as he broke another glass orb to produce a thin rapier-like sword in his hand.

Finally, the conjurer was going to engage in physical combat, no more of this spell casting nonsense, Endeavour thought with a smug smirk. Conjuring creatures to do your bidding was the coward's way of fighting and Enji despised cowards who refused to fight for themselves. Perhaps the warlock had simply run out of minions, giving him no choice but to face the king head on now, or perhaps he fancied he actually stood a chance against the king. Either way, his life was in its final moments as the Endeavour strode confidently towards him.

"Any last words before I send you on to the next life?" He asked with a serious tone.

Mr. Compress readied himself, bringing the thin sword up in front of his face. "You truly believe you'll win this war? Do you think your cause is the just one? My lord Shigaraki will show this country what it means to be free of tyrants like you. He'll bring the kingdom to a new age, one where social classes are abolished and those in poverty can rise to power if they have but the strength of will to do so."

The warlock lunged at him, the needle like tip of his rapier aimed at the king's exposed neck, but Endeavour brought his great long sword across in front of him in a heavy one-handed arc, severing Compress's arm before his needle-like blade could reach its target. The warlock yelled in agony as his arm and sword fell to the floor with blood gushing from the stump of his lost appendage. The masked man clutched at the wound with his remaining hand and tried desperately to stop the bleeding as Endeavour towered over him.

"Whether or not my cause is just, doesn't mean yours is. Your so-called warlock king, Shigaraki was it? Has proven here today that the people of this kingdom are nothing more than disposable pawns to him. Only someone truly evil would destroy an entire city just to make an obedient army of puppets. Do you really think he would make a better king than I?"

Mr. Compress stared up at Enji with a mix of pain and hatred in his eyes. "Sacrifices... sacrifices are necessary in any worthy battle. The end will justify the means. And the end is coming... for you at least, right now." He suddenly grinned and stuck out his tongue; on the tip of it was another marble and as Endeavour stood there, distracted by this trick move, the warlock spat the orb from his mouth into his hand, ready to thrust it at the king's chest.

As the motion of the warlock's arm seemed to slow down before his very eyes, Enji heard a roar as a mass of scarlet and steel filled his vision and a figure barreled down on the warlock from behind. Before the glass sphere was able to touch his armor, the Queen of the Barbarians brought her sword down on the shoulder of his attacker, knocking the marble out of Compress's hand and sending it falling instead towards the warlock's own body. As it landed on the clothes of his right side, there was a puff of smoke and a fresh scream of pain from the man in front of him. When the smoke had cleared, Mr. Compress was laying crumpled on the floor with half his torso missing, the marble had captured his flesh and a river of crimson blood and entrails was oozing out of the hole in his side. After a short panic filled, gurgling breath, the warlock fell silent as he left the land of the living.

King Endeavour looked from the fallen enemy to the woman who had saved his life. She was already scanning the area for her next target as if she had just rescued some insignificant foot soldier and not the king himself. "Barbarian Queen, allow me to thank you." He began, but she just waved her hand at him, not taking her eyes off of the surrounding foes, as she sliced a nearby infirus in half with her curved blade.

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