Chapter 68: A future worth fighting for

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Denki was terrified, but he tried not to let his fear show. The purple haired girl next to him, Kyoka Jiro, the girl he'd unwittingly fallen head over heels for, was as calm as a cucumber. Her hands were steady, and she looked ready for a fight. She was so cool. She oozed courage and there was no way he was going to let himself look like a coward in front of her. That pathetic dude who let himself be captured by ogres in the woods was gone. He'd prove it to himself here and now, he wanted to be worthy of her. Nothing else mattered right now. They were going to win this war, and then he was going to confess his feelings to her.

He pulled his eyes away from Jiro and looked in front of them. The new recruits had met up with Ida who was leading the barbarians and dragons south from the northern outpost. He'd explained to Commander Mirio about the giant portal they'd seen earlier, so they all knew the enemy was already waiting for them at the front lines, but that also meant they were behind their foe, surrounding them on all sides, giving them and their allies the advantage. There was hope yet.

They had been marching for a whole half a day already and many of the younger recruits were beginning to tire. Denki's legs were aching too, but he had more energy than most, so he wasn't feeling overly fatigued. He checked on Jiro again, she didn't look too tired either; she was easily keeping pace with him and had a determined expression on her face. He couldn't help but smile. She caught him looking at her and cocked an eyebrow at him.


"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about war, you know." He rambled without thinking.

"War's what's got that goofy smile on your face?"

"Wha-!? No, that's not, I mean, erm." He stuttered turning pink.

Jiro burst out laughing. "Relax, I know you weren't smiling about the war." She punched him playfully in the arm, their metal armor clinking with the contact, Kaminari looked at the ground as he tried to un-fluster himself.

"Geez, why am I the only one not getting a girl out of all this..." Mineta mumbled to the side of Kaminari.

He was somehow managing to keep up with everyone despite having to take three steps for every one of theirs, making him practically jog to stay in formation. Denki was quite impressed with the short guy's stamina.

"Hey, come on now. You're not the only one. Sato hasn't hooked up with anyone yet or Aoyama." Denki said.

He was going to point out that he hadn't actually made a move on Jiro yet, but she was stood right next to him, so he decided not to mention her in case he said something stupid and ruined his chances.

"Aoyama likes dudes, he doesn't count." Mineta huffed. The two of them looked down the line to see the golden locks of the noble boy swishing from side to side. Though he'd had to put on armor like the rest of them, he'd somehow managed to attach his glittery purple cape to the shoulder plates, making him stand out half a mile away.

He was walking next to the guy Midoriya had been training with, what was his name again? Toteki? He had long black hair that he'd tied back into a ponytail for battle, and he had a scarf fastened close to his face. Denki guessed he was sort of handsome, for a dude. But the two guys couldn't be more different. Aoyama was flashy and flamboyant, but this Toteki was quiet and reserved. He'd probably make a good assassin, Denki thought.

Just then, the rows of troops in front of them ground to a halt and they heard the commanders voice from up ahead. "Everyone, take a moment to regain your strength, the battle has already begun; it's just over this next ridge, so when everyone is rested, we'll be charging in."

Mineta collapsed gratefully on the floor but then immediately started shaking. "Swallow your fear, swallow your fear, swallow your fear." He chanted, writing something on his palm with his finger before swallowing the imaginary words.

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