Chapter 37: The strategy of war

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Image: The Giant's Canyon 

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Image: The Giant's Canyon 

Bakugo and Kirishima had been flying non-stop for hours since they left the capital. They'd passed the mountain ridge where they first found you and were nearly at the southern outpost again.

The great plains of the giant territory were creeping into view through the breaks in the clouds when Kirishima gave out a loud huff.

"What's up?" Bakugo asked the dragon. They'd been travelling in silence most of the way. Bakugo only instructing the dragon to dip beneath the thick blanket of clouds every so often so they could keep track of their location.

"I don't think I can keep this up much longer, I need to rest." Kirishima's mental voice sounded exhausted, like he was already half asleep.

"You idiot, you should have said so sooner, we could have stopped on the mountains again."

"But then you would have been cold. I know you hate the cold..." Kirishima replied almost sheepishly.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. It was true, on the mountains he would have been frozen sat in the snow while Kirishima regained some strength, but at least they wouldn't have been exposed.

"Okay, fine. Land here but keep away from the road. Last thing we want is some nosey mainlanders bothering us."

Kirishima began dropping lower in the sky, drifting through the fluffy banks of clouds, sailing closer to the barren plains of the giant territory. The rocky expanse of the canyons grew larger as they glided towards the ground.

Kirishima beat his wings a few times to slow down and then harder as he landed on a jagged outcrop at the edge of a ravine.

The terrain here was parched and dry like the Arechi desert back in their homeland, but there was no sand here. The ground was solid and cracked like the surface of over baked bread. And there was very little vegetation. The few scraggly trees and bushes that had managed to survive in this bleak landscape held very little in the way of foliage, most were just dead bleached logs protruding from the earth.

It was hard to believe only a few miles north and south of here was luscious green grassland and thick forests just on the other side of the mountains that bordered the giant territory. But this is what Gigantomachia's hordes had done to the land; they'd stripped it of all flora and fauna, not caring if anything grew back. They just pushed the boundaries of their territory further and further out, consuming more of the earth's precious resources.

Bakugo looked around at the barren wasteland, noticing the skeletal remains of animals long since dead. Is this what is to become of the whole Island if the Warlock King wins this war?

He thought about what he would do if he were commanding the warlock armies as Kirishima slumped under an over handing crag of rock to sleep.

He was sure this warlock king would already know how big King Endeavour's armies were, although the army's naval fleet were currently overseas, they still had great numbers and well-trained men. Even if the Barbarians and dragons didn't rally with them, the kings' armies still numbered near ten thousand. So, to even think he could pull this off he must have a solid strategy, or some trump card.

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