Chapter 17: Reunited

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Now you were back on the mainland the temperature was far more to your liking, though the cool breeze drifting in from the sea, and the meek rays of the late spring sun radiating down on your face made you feel colder than you normally would this time of year. Perhaps spending time on the tropical islands had altered your natural thermostat, but you found yourself wishing it was a bit warmer.

Despite needing to readjust to the climate, the journey north was rather enjoyable with your additional companions. Ida was now taking point and you were keeping pace with him, sitting comfortably in the soft leather saddle of your own borrowed steed while Ururaka chatted happily behind you.

This stretch of the Kings Road followed the cliffs along the coast that looked out at Meiji Island across the ocean and would carry you to the next nearest town of Shiketsu. It was the main road that connected all the major cities and towns on the mainland and stretched all the way from the southern outpost you were leaving to the northern shore where it veered west towards Heisha. It was often a bustling trade route, especially farther north between Mutsufutsu and the next largest city of Hosu. However, before you reached the capital, the road meandered through the notorious Shadow Woods which were dangerous for any visitors hoping to reach the heart of the Kingdom.

It was a well-known ambushing site for thieves and bandits. A lot of trade from the south and west was targeted in the depths of these woods as fine foreign goods were transported to the capital. Though you had only traversed them once before yourself with your father, you'd heard many tales from merchants on their way back through Inaka to the western seaport. Some lamenting the loss of all their hard-earned gold thanks to an unfortunate encounter within the treacherous trees.

Although you were still a way off tackling these woods, you were glad you were no longer facing them alone. You had acquired a capable looking knight and a competent magic user, as well as having Bakugo and Kirishima decide to stick around while you found Izuku.

You glanced over your shoulder at the two boys riding behind you, Bakugo was staring at nothing in particular with a perpetual scowl etched on his face. That seemed to be his default expression and you couldn't tell what he was thinking, but it made you smile none the less. Kirishima was sat in front of him, providing details on the outcome of the giant battle; he looked pale and clammy from his injuries, but he didn't appear to be as bad as he had been earlier. He said dragons heal quickly, but that wound to his stomach looked serious and the constant motion of riding couldn't be comfortable for him. Your smile slipped as you felt bad about dragging him along. He should be heading home, back to Kazan Island to rest, but both he and Bakugo wouldn't hear of it. They both insisted that since the giant war was over and Kirishima couldn't fly, they would accompany you on your journey to the capital instead.

You wanted to tell them you'd be fine on your own or else they should wait until Kirishima was well enough before setting off, but the selfish part of you didn't want to say goodbye to either of them, and your worry for your best friend prevented you from waiting to set off any longer.

You hoped Midoriya had enough sense to avoid a direct route through the Shadow Woods; Aoyama was so obviously a noble in his glittering cape that you were sure they'd be targeted by bandits. Had you been with them, you would have insisted on staying off the main road or else taking a longer route to avoid the woods all together. However, without you there to guide them, you weren't going to hold your breath. Still, you hoped to find your friends in one piece when you reached the capital, it wouldn't be long now.

As your horses made steady progress north along the road, Ochako was telling you and Ida how she ended up getting accepted into the mage academy.

"I grew up in Masegaki. My dad works in the mines, but we don't have a lot of money, so when I realized I could do magic, I wanted to do something that would help my family. I set off to Meiji Island to become a fully-fledged mage. If I work really hard, maybe one day I'll be able to join the King's mage council. Then I'll be able to earn enough money for my parents to live an easy life. That's all I really want."

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