Chapter 93: The fallen

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"Soldiers, warriors, comrades, and friends.... I stand before you now, not as your prince, nor as your future king, but as a fellow knight, who, like many of you, has experienced the horrors of war for the first time today. From the first light of dawn till the last rays of dusk, this day has been filled with experiences no man or woman should ever have to endure, but even in the face of adversity, we have prevailed. Everyone has shown immense courage and fought with great honor, risking your lives for our country and our people... For this land and everything in it, is not mine but yours as well."

You were stood in the middle of the crowd looking up at Shoto as he gave his speech; everyone was silent, and his audience was listening avidly with all eyes on the small frame of their new leader, who was standing on a makeshift platform in front of the pyres. You glanced to your right; next to you was Izuku, his eyes fixed on his friend with a warm smile. And to your left was Katsuki, he too was staring up at the crown prince but with a slight furrow to his brow, as if judging Shoto's speech and comparing it to what he himself might have said in this situation.

Bakugo had emerged from the healer's tent just as you were passing by with the others. Eijiro had finally woken up and after a silent exchange of gratitude between the barbarian and his dragon, Katsuki had left his friend in the care of Mina to come and find you. His eyes remained fixed firmly on his first romantic rival as his fingers snaked into yours to hold your hand subconsciously, as if to remind himself that he had won that particular battle. Your heart fluttered and a small smile crept up your lips as you suppressed a giggle and tuned back into Shoto's voice.

"... truly grateful for your efforts in bringing peace to our home once again. Although it feels like a hollow victory when the price of our freedom came at such a heavy cost." Shoto looked over his shoulder at the pyres behind him. Ida was stood rigid by his side, and Commander Mirio and General Mirko were behind him lighting torches with a few others. Shoto turned back to face the crowd with a somber expression.

"It pains me to have to include so many civilians amongst the number lost, but with the decimation of Deika city, casualties were far higher than expected. The warlock king used our northern brethren to create his army and all of them now lay before you. Because of this, today we mourn the loss of over 10,000 men, women, and children. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters... Some may have been relatives of yours, but that mattered not to the would-be usurper. He wanted to bring ruin to our lands and destroy everything we hold dear. So, although he has now been vanquished, and his followers silenced, he shall remain nameless, and we will not give his legacy purchase within our history books. He shall simply be known from here on as the one who did not win. The one who sought to enslave our kingdom but failed." Shoto nodded at Lady Mirko and she gave the order for the fires to be lit. "And we owe our victory to all those who gave their lives this day."

Many people in the crowd bowed their heads respectfully and one or two began crying. You could see a pair in front of you, an older man you'd never met before was unable to stem the flow of tears that cascaded down his face and the man stood next to him, a friend you supposed, wore a grave expression too as he tried to comfort the weeping man with an arm over his shoulder. You wondered who in particular that man had lost in this war. Perhaps his wife lived in Deika. Maybe his son also fought in the war. Your heart went out to him, and you also remembered the sight of Mineta as Sato added him to the stacks in front of you.

A single solitary tear escaped your own eye as you thought about his bravery but also how his and so many other lives had been cut short before they even had chance to live it. Another tear trickled down your cheek, followed by another and another. Soon there was a river flowing down your face and shuddering sobs shook your chest. Katsuki felt them and pulled you closer, encasing you in his arms, holding you tight as you let out all the sorrow you had been trying to suppress in order to show a brave face for the others.

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