Chapter 47: Learning Control

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Izuku had gone quiet after a while of traveling alongside everyone. He'd spent the first few hours getting to know the other new recruits and discussing magic with Ochako. He even took notes on the spells she could use and how long she could make each one last, which spells she was confident using and those that she had yet to fully master. All this information would come in handy once the war broke out.

But now he was trying to summon his own power handed down by the God All Might, and he was struggling. It still hurt his muscles every time he tried to visualise it manifesting in his body. He knew the God had said he was supposed to train himself in order to wield it, but there just wasn't enough time. If the druid was right and the Warlock King would attack in the next couple of days, he would have to figure out another way to use it without bulking up.

A few miles south of Hosu city the wagon and the company surrounding it stopped for a break. Ida and Ochako tended to the horses and Izuku made an excuse to leave the group for a bit. He walked away from the noise of the new recruits, looking at the floor and muttering to himself as he thought about his predicament.

Soon he found himself heading towards an outcrop of stone pillars. He hadn't intended to head to this spot, his subconscious seemed to have led him here. The stones were huge and arranged in a circle, some were stacked on top of others to form arches and there was an altar of sorts at the centre. The place seemed old as if these stones had stood untouched for hundreds of years. Some had strange markings and symbols etched into the surface in an intricate design.

Izuku walked over to one of the arches and placed his hand on the cold surface of the stone, weathered smooth with time. He thought perhaps they had been placed like this by giants many years ago but couldn't fathom as to why. He ran his hand down the stone nearest him, his fingers tracing over the rune markings carved into the façade.

The light afternoon breeze swirling around the circle of stones began to pick up and was soon a towering tornado confining him within a rolling vortex of air. Midoriya spun around in a panic, his mind jumping to invisible enemies surrounding him, he pulled out his sword ready to fight the impending foes. However, the source of the wind soon became apparent as a golden-haired figure fell from the sky and landed powerfully on the ground before him.

All Might righted himself in front of the green-haired boy. Standing in his God form, he towered over Izuku giving him a heroic smile; his pearly white teeth flashing beneath his vibrant blue eyes while his golden locks pointed skyward, flapping in the air currents.

"How goes it young Midoriya? Have you managed to harness the power of One for All yet?" He said in his deep voice before transforming in a puff of smoke to the stooped figure that was his true mortal form.

As he shrunk, the wind that was churning around them dissipated and he began coughing. Midoriya quickly put away his sword and rushed forward. "Are you okay All Might?" Unsure what he could do for the man in front of him.

"I'm fine young man, my power is waning since I passed on the torch that's all. Soon the last embers of One for All will leave my body and I'll look like this again until I meet my end or die from old age." He gave Izuku a soft smile like this was no big deal, but of course Midoriya felt guilty for taking the God's power from him.

"So." All Might stood up straight and used a more serious tone. "Have you managed to control the power yet?" He scrutinised the boy's weak frame and nervous stance as Izuku rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well actually, about that. I have been trying, but every time I get close, my body feels like it's about to rip in half and I have to stop." He confessed.

The god nodded and held his chin in thought, "I thought this might be a problem. It was wrong of me to expect you to be able to fully wield it in such a short amount of time. I myself was already quite the specimen when my predecessor passed the power to me, so my body was able to handle it." He walked around Izuku, looking him up and down. "I can tell you've been working out a bit, but it won't be enough before the battle begins. We'll have to try a different approach. Tell me, how have you been practicing your control?"

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