Chapter 41: Preparations for war

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Bakugo hadn't expected the public speech to the dragons to go as well as it had. His mother stood before them and said her piece and Bakugo himself had reiterated what he had said to the king before; then Kirishima and the other dragons gave testimony to the sincerity of the queen and prince, voicing their trust in the barbarians and begging anyone who was able to, to join their cause. Eijiro's voice being the most passionate of all of them and the most well received.

Surprisingly, a number of dragons stepped forward and offered their support, mostly those with families to protect. But also some younger people around a similar age to himself and Kirishima and a few younger still. Even Kirishima's little sister had tried to sign up. The thirteen-year-old girl with short spiky black hair had run up to the platform in front of him.

"I want to fight like you, big brother! Let me help!"

Eijiro had stooped down to pull her into a hug with him. "Emiko! When did you get so big!?"

He held her tight, and she wrapped her arms around him. "Same to you, big brother, you're so strong you're crushing me!" She said trying to push out of his arms as he jokingly squeezed her tighter.

"You know I can't let you fight with us; mum and dad would kill me!" He said putting her back on her feet as she pouted.

After their speech, those that had agreed to help, gathered with Mitsuki and she made the necessary arrangements with King Ryuo.

The dragons who had come with the barbarians were then free to see their families for a little while. Mina stayed with the queen and helped with the recruits; she had no family here, and due to her unnatural looks she was often shunned even by her own kinsfolk. She felt much more at home with the barbarians than she did on Mount Shiyama, so she stuck by the queen's side and assisted where she could.

Kirishima on the other hand, was already being pulled away by his sister to greet his parents. Bakugo hung back allowing them some time together until Eijiro grabbed his hand and dragged him with them. "Come on Bakugo, I know they'll want to meet you." He said with a wide toothy grin.

Bakugo felt uncomfortable, his face was heating up slightly as he let the dragon lead him over to a couple stood nearer the back of the square. The man had red hair like his son with deep set dark eyes; his hair pointed forward into a sharp spike almost like a horn, while his mother looked similar to his sister. She had short spiky black hair and soft red eyes. She smiled at her children as they approached, showcasing the same sharp teeth as her son.

"Eijiro!" She simpered pulling him into a rib-cracking hug. "We've missed you so much! I hope they're treating you well over there?" She asked with a slight disapproving tone, glancing sideways at Bakugo.

Bakugo seemed to have lost all his usual bravado; he had no idea what to say to this woman and the last thing he wanted to do was seem rude. He just looked down at his feet until Kirishima spoke up.

"Of course they are! I have my own house, well it's a tent actually, but so is everyone else's, even the queens! It's really nice! Everyone is so kind and friendly. And I couldn't ask for a better best friend!" He said wrapping his arm around Bakugo's shoulder and pulling him closer.

Bakugo looked a bit abashed; Kirishima had never spoken about him like this to anyone before, or at least not within earshot of the prince, and it humbled him to know what his dragon truly thought of him.

"Prince Katsuki is an amazing commander, he's so manly. He's tough and reliable and he always keeps his word. He's going to make an amazing King one day. I'm proud to stand by his side."

Katsuki's cheeks were bright red as he shook Kirishima's arm from his shoulder grumbling for him to stop. But Kirishima's mother seemed to soften at her son's words. She hadn't trusted the barbarians when she was forced to give up her child to them, but she could see now that they treated him with respect and had made him feel welcome, and for that she was grateful. She pulled Bakugo into the same strong-armed embrace as she had her son; Bakugo was caught off guard by her actions and stood in silent shock with his arms pinned to his sides as she spoke.

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