Chapter 27: Appearance is only half the appeal

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When you and Todoroki returned to the library, a servant entered and informed the prince that the tailors from Best Jeanist had arrived for the final fitting with the guests, so everyone was shown back to their rooms to be groomed.

You noticed Bakugo and Kirishima were being extremely quiet again, but due to the meeting with the king earlier you weren't surprised by the aura of rage that was still emanating from them both. You had hoped that maybe it would have dissipated a bit by now, but at least the king wouldn't be there tonight to drag the mood down. It disheartened you to see them like this, but there wasn't much you could do right now as Ururaka dragged you happily down the hall with renewed excitement about the nights festivities.

Both you and Ochako were shown into your bedroom for the tailor to work you together. Uwabami knocked on the door not long after you had stepped inside yourselves, with a couple of female assistants in tow. They were carrying two large trunks which you could only presume contained your dresses.

"Right then ladies, here we are." Said the serpent haired lady snapping her fingers, the assistants dragged the trunks inside the room and opened the first to reveal a mass of pink frills. They pulled the garment out and held it up for you to see their craftsmanship.

Ochako's dress was beautiful. It was strapless and corseted at the waist which was detailed with a floral sequin design. It had a mass of pink petticoats making the skirt puff out over the hips and it was floor length, as the mage had feared, but not too long that she shouldn't be able to walk in it.

Uwabami helped Ochako step into the garment and fastened her in; the large ruffles at the front barely skimmed the floor and faded into a short train at the back allowing freedom around her feet so getting her shoes caught up in it shouldn't be a problem. However, it was a little too loose around the bust; so while the assistants were making adjustments to the corset, the seamstress herself turned to you.

"Now you're dress my dear, is made from the finest red satin imported from Kazan Island. That hot headed prince of yours isn't going to know what hit him." She said winking at you as she opened the other trunk.

She pulled out a dress that seemed to flow over her hands like water down a steam. She turned around and held it up for you to see. It was long and delicate; no frills like the Ochako's dress. The skirt hung straight and pooled on the floor, there was a length of the same red satin draped over one hip which wrapped around to the other side and hung elegantly at the front like a sash with a detailed golden band that ran along the outer edge.

The same golden silk was used to define the waist with a wide band, and it also ran up the sides of the bust to finish in sharp points across the chest, which was adorned with more red satin finished in a finely pleated sweetheart neckline.

You were stunned, it was beyond beautiful. Uwabami held it up for you and you carefully stepped into it. She fastened you in at the back with hidden corset ribbons. It fit perfectly, it hugged every curve of your body, pulling your waist in tighter to accentuate your curves and the fabric of the skirt slid over your skin, caressing your legs as you moved. You looked at yourself in the mirror, mesmerized at how the jewels sewn into the gold fabric captured the light and sparkled as you turned.

She handed you some shoes too, not dissimilar from the ones Mitsuki had given you only these did in fact have a heel as you had feared. They were like elegant, heeled slippers with satin ribbons that ran from your ankles all the way to your knees. One of the assistants fastened them for you and helped you stand in them. You wobbled slightly, unused to balance on such stilts, but after a few practice laps around the room you started to get the hang of it.

Ochako's dress had now been fixed so it fitted better at the top and she was handed some pink closed toe shoes that matched; hers had a much smaller heel and a broad strap over the top to give her support which made you pout at her unfair advantage. You prayed to the gods that you wouldn't fall over tonight and make a fool of yourself.

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