Chapter 53: Weightless

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Midoriya was stood waiting for Ochako down the side of the mess hall. The night was cold, so he had put his cloak on over his training gear, but his hands were still cold. He blew on his fingers to try and breathe some warmth into them. Bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet with his father's sword at his hip, he looked up into the dark sky.

The sun had set about an hour ago and the sky was clear of clouds allowing him to see the vast array of stars overhead. He stared up at the expanse of black velvet glittered with tiny specs of light.

"The stars are beautiful, huh."

"Aaaargh!" Oh, it's you, Ururaka." Izuku jumped, his heart was going a million miles an hour. The mage had snuck up behind him without him realizing.

"Call me Ochako already! We're friends, right?" She giggled. She too was wearing her pink cape and mages hat to keep warm and was leaning on her staff.

"Right, yeah. Friends." Izuku's heart had slowed back down to its regular rhythm now. Or at least, as regular as it ever got when she was near him.

"So, you ready?"

"Yeah!" He nodded.

"Cool. Let's go over to that clearing from this morning. It's already a mess so it's not like we can break anything if we practice there." She said leading him to the place they'd had their assessments earlier.

The remnants of the broken targets and table were still as they'd left them, but the weapons had been taken back to the armory presumably. Ochako went over to the wreckage and found a straw target that had survived most of Todoroki's attack. She touched its surface and levitated it into an open space.

"Okay, first we need to figure out what kind of magic it is you have." She said walking back over to him. "It looks like lightening, but you didn't expel the energy when you sent that javelin flying, you just increased its force. Do you have any ideas?"

"Oh, um. Well, I don't really know. I've never tried to use it until recently. It feels like lightening, but yeah, like you said it doesn't come off like that. It's just a sort of energy. I think the lightening is just a side effect of the power I'm generating." He said really trying to think how best to describe what it could be classed as.

"The few times I've used it, it's had different effects. With the javelin it increased its speed, and when I channeled it into my sword it was like it was repelling every attack that hit it. But the first time I tried to use it was with my fist and I was able to push the air away from me and produce a wave of wind." His words started tumbling out faster as he pondered, muttering to himself more than to the mage now.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that last bit?" She said snapping him back to reality and the task at hand.

"Oh, sorry. Thinking about it, I don't think there really is anything else to it. It's just power. An incredible force that I can apply to different objects or to my body. I suppose it's pretty simple really." He finished sounding a bit deflated.

"There's nothing simple about magic!" She said smiling at him. "Power like that can have many uses. It's definitely a good advantage to have in battle. Just look what you did to that target! You could single handedly bring down a giant with a throw like that!"

"Yeah! You're right!" The determined spark returned to his eyes, and he smacked his fist into his hand.

"Okay, so now we've decided you're a power type, let's move on." She stood next to him facing the target. "We've already seen what you can do with your raw magic, but I'm going to teach you some simple spells that any magic user should be able to learn."

She pointed her staff at the target and muttered some words in a different language, the target shuddered, and an identical target sprang from its surface to land next to it.

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