Chapter 85: Battle in the darkness

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It felt like you were submerged in a fathomless black ocean. You could feel your body moving around outside of the thick liquid that surrounded your consciousness as if someone else was controlling your actions. You blinked but you couldn't see very clearly. Your mind was clouded, and thoughts were sluggish, but you were vaguely aware of what was going on around you.

"Tsuki, stop! Damn it! This isn't you!"

You heard Katsuki's voice and you tried to pay attention, but you felt heavy and couldn't breathe properly. You tried to focus your attention on his face, he was holding back a sword with his own; it was your sword, and tears were pooling in his eyes. Why was he crying? You were confused, those were your hands around the hilt of your sword, why were you fighting with your barbarian? You tried to think.

All for One was the last thing you remember clearly; he had mentioned the villains you had killed, and you remember feeling this sickening darkness seeping into your core from his eyeless gaze. The same darkness that you were now drowning in.

"Please... Tsuki... Please, don't make me do this. I don't want to hurt you. I love you."

When Katsuki spoke again, you could hear his voice breaking and it tore at your heart. You struggled against the darkness clogging your mind, and writhed in the water surrounding you, trying to swim to its surface. But it was difficult, and the darkness possessing your body spoke back in your voice, but its words were filled with mirth and venom.

"Why would I stop? I'm a hunter and an assassin. I feel nothing. I was born to be a murderer so why wouldn't I kill anyone that gets in my way..."

You knew that wasn't true, the thought had crossed your mind before, but you had the sense to realise that it wasn't your skills that made you good or evil, it was how you used them. You felt anger gathering in your chest as you rebuked the darkness. It was wrong. You weren't a murderer; you knew your actions were just. That's why you didn't feel regret.

"You're not a murderer!" Bakugo yelled. "And don't pretend you feel nothing. You may be strong, and a fearsome warrior, but you're also kind and compassionate. You're the bravest person I know, and you have a stronger sense of honor than anyone. You're not just a mindless killing machine! Don't let that bastard turn you into one!"

His words seemed to wake you up. He understood you; he knew who you truly were, and you loved him all the more for saying it out loud, but the darkness continued to taunt him.

"You're naïve. I've never cared about anyone, and don't act like you know me. If I had the honour of which you speak, I wouldn't have slain the witch when her back was turned or killed the Lord when I'd already rendered him defenseless. But I did... And I felt nothing."

The entity possessing you was trying to break Bakugo's spirit, trying to make him give up on you and fall into despair. But he didn't buckle.

"You did the right thing! They deserved to die. Just think of everyone you've saved by ridding the world of those bastards. Do you think they'd ever turn good if you'd let them live? Of course not! They were evil scumbags!"

He was right; you thought of Eri and how scared she'd been down in that dungeon all alone with the psychopath Chizuki. How much happier she was now living with the assassins. His words gave you the strength to try and fight against the darkness holding you.

"Who are we to decide what is good and what is evil? The only thing that determines who lives and who dies in this world is power. And those that are too weak to claim it, deserve to die."

You continued to struggle against the suffocating mass around you; you hated what the darkness was saying. And you hated that it was attacking the man you loved without mercy. You willed him not to give up, screaming at him in your mind to beat it, to beat you.

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