Chapter 57: Test your metal

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It was some time before you were able to get to sleep last night, the girls wanted to know what you and Bakugo had been talking about and wouldn't leave you in peace until you told them everything.

Ochako had kept relatively quiet, choosing instead to sit listening while pretending to read a book. But Mina delighted in gossip and was practically egging Yaoyorozu and Jiro on, asking for every little detail. It wasn't until you threatened to beat all of them to a pulp if they didn't give it a rest that you finally managed to get them to go to bed.

After breakfast, the others left to join their respective battalions leaving you, Mina, Kirishima and Bakugo waiting for the commander in the chilly morning air. Bakugo was tapping his foot impatiently with his arms folded across his chest. He didn't like to be kept waiting. Kirishima was absent mindedly pulling at a thread on his scarf and Mina was yawning loudly after getting just as little sleep as you had. You smirked as she rubbed her tired eyes. Serves her right after last night's antics.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." The beaming golden-haired knight waved as he approached you from his office. The captain, Amajiki, was following in his shadow.

"It's about time." Barked Bakugo.

Mirio chose to ignore him. "First things first, we need to assess your skills and give you a ranking like everyone else before we can get started with your training."

Bakugo tutted and rolled his eyes. "A ranking? Huh? Tch, you really think any of you losers could possibly best me? I don't need training by pathetic mainlanders like you. Do you even know who I am?!"

You sighed and rubbed your temple with your left hand. It was way too early for you to effectively deploy your Bakugo taming skills.

"Of course I know who you are, and you're probably right." Mirio chuckled. "I heard you're a formidable fighter Prince Bakugo. And as a fellow commander, I'm sure you can understand we have strict rules and procedures to follow. So I hope you'll humour us by completing the assessment and showing us just how skilled you are."

Bakugo didn't respond, he just huffed and nodded. You breathed a sigh of relief. Commander Mirio was clearly skilled in flattery too.

"Shall we?" Mirio led you to a clearing with some freshly erected targets and a bench of weapons.

Unsure of what you would be doing today you had already brought your own with you. Your belt held the scabbard with your sword, your assassin daggers were strapped to your thighs and your own bow and quiver were over your shoulder. You weren't wearing the new wrist dagger that had belonged to your mother. That was a weapon purely for taking a life and you were here to train, not to kill.

Bakugo had his sword firmly fixed at his hip as well. You wouldn't be surprised if he'd slept with it last night. Kirishima also had his daggers strapped to his waist and Mina had a coiled whip fixed to her belt.

This should be interesting; you'd never seen Mina fight. You were too busy fending off the witch, Toga, at the beach to watch how she fought against the other bandits.

"Ok, normally there'd be three assessors, however Sargent Gunhead is too busy to join us today. So, you'll be going up against me for the hand to hand combat assessment."

Commander Mirio turned to face them and smiled broadly, his hands on his hips. With his red cloak billowing out behind him, he strongly resembled the statues of All Might you'd seen in the capital.

You couldn't help thinking of Izuku and the hand fate had dealt him. Your childhood friend hardly stood out; he didn't really have the presence of a god. Mirio however, commanded attention in a warm, reassuring way and he seemed to exude light and hope. What if All Might had chosen Mirio instead? You shook your head, no point thinking what ifs. Midoriya had been chosen for a reason. You had to have faith that the god knew what he was doing. You turned your attention back to the commander and his explanation of what you were going to do.

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