Chapter 55: Jealousy

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You reached Heisha in no time at all. Mina was fast, and your fingers had gone numb from holding on so tight. She could easily outstrip Kirishima in a sprint, but after the first hour she began losing speed, not having the same stamina that Eijiro did. She lost altitude as she got tired, and the red dragon overtook them. Kirishima made a noise that sounded like a chuckle as he passed over your heads and continued at a steady pace towards your goal. Mina huffed.

"Damn it. I thought I had this in the bag!" She moaned to you as you approached the training camp where Eijiro was circling above what looked like the main courtyard of the barracks.

"Don't worry about it. We'll get them next time." You encouraged her.

When you caught up, Kirishima dropping down to land in the clearing in the middle of the buildings and Mina followed him. Once back on solid ground you slid off her back to join Katsuki as they transformed back into humans.

"You really thought you could beat me?" Katsuki teased, as Eijiro poked fun at Mina for being out of shape.

"Meh, it was worth a shot." You said nonchalantly putting your hands up in the air. "I wonder where everyone is?" You looked around the deserted courtyard.

"Training. I would have thought that was obvious." You turned around at the familiar voice. Hawks appeared around the side of a nearby building. "I might have known it would be you two. Who else would fly into the middle of the training grounds with such style? Except me of course." He laughed at his own joke.

"Oh, hey Hawks. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with the king." You asked.

"His majesty decided it was more prudent to send his fastest fighter to watch over his little fledgling. Besides, he's got the lady general and the rest of the army to protect him as he marches north, he'll be fine without me."

"I guess that makes sense. We actually have a message for the king, I'm sure he won't be happy to hear it, but it's important."

Bakugo wasn't listening to what you were saying. "What do you mean 'watch over his fledgling'? Don't tell me that royal bastard is here too?!"

"He is indeed, the young prince wanted to fight and there was no telling him no." Hawks said, before turning back to you and ignoring the string of profanities that started pouring out of the barbarian's mouth.

"Now what's this message?" He asked you.

You also decided to ignore Katsuki's outburst for the time being, though his anger was partly your fault. It had completely slipped your mind to mention that Shoto had decided to join the army too and had accompanied you on the journey here.

"We were just at the healer's cottage in the middle of Lake Aki. She told us she was looking after the Queen there, but just before we arrived, she was kidnapped by the blue flame warlock."

"Blue flame?" The avian looked troubled, "What did he look like?"

"He has black hair, blue eyes and he's covered in scars, I think he said his name was Dabi. He was one of the bandits who attacked the prince before in the Shadow Woods, along with a shapeshifting witch called Toga and a lizard beast man they called Spinner. Although the lizard wasn't with them this time, but there were two new warlocks we hadn't seen before. One was wearing a mask and the other looked strange, he seemed more like a ghost than a person. Anyway, they all escaped with the queen into a portal, I don't know where they took her."

"I see, this is troubling news indeed. Thank you for telling me. I shall inform the king at once." He expanded his brilliant crimson wings and shot off into the air without another word.

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