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Arthit was staring at his boyfriend with a pout adoring his lips, who was busy playing a certain game on the computer, leaving arthit all alone

"Kong! It's been more than an hour already" arthit huffed

"Give me ten more minutes oon, I will be all yours then, I promise" kongpob replied, sticking his tongue out, showing how focused he was

"Its the third time you said the exact same words" arthit mumbled, rolling his eyes

He sat slouched, waiting for another ten minutes, the pout never leaving his lips, and once the ten minutes were up, he wasted no further time and quickly jumped over kongpob, who groaned in annoyance

"What?" Kongpob asked grumpily

"Ten minutes are up, pay me some attention now, would you?" Arthit asked, glaring at the other cutely

"I..fine, tell me what do you want to do?" Kongpob asked, placing the controller away, and wrapping his hands around Arthit's waist instead

"I want to learn how to play this, teach me and then I will play with you" arthit replied, rather excitedly

"You want to learn how to play the game?" Kongpob asked chuckling

Arthit nodded vigorously, flashing a grin at Kongpob, who kissed both his cheeks and squished them after, mumbling how cute arthit looked

"Okay then, just focus for a bit, it isn't that hard" kongpob said

Arthit nodded, turning to face the computer, still on Kongpob's lap, who pulled him a little closer, just to make sure that the screen was visible to him as well

Arthit's eyes were focused on the screen completely, his hands fixed on the controller as he followed Kongpob's words and tried his best to play accordingly

"Shoot right there, you are doing it wrong arthit" kongpob said

"I can't do this!" Arthit huffed, throwing away the controller, his pout visible yet again

"Oh no, all you need is a little practice oon" Kongpob replied, cheering the sulky arthit

"I will practice then" arthit said, looking all determined, as he put his focus back on the game

Kongpob laughed softly, enjoying every bit of what was happened, his hands around Arthit's waist and his chin on his shoulder as he admired his boyfriend trying to master the game

And about fifteen more minutes later, Kongpob received a call from his boss, asking him to urgently mail a few files, and so as a result, Kongpob had to excuse himself out of the room, leaving a still concentrated arthit behind

"Finally" Kongpob breathed out, climbing up the stairs to the bedroom after an hour and half's work

Pushing the door open, he expected to find arthit still on the game or scrolling on his phone finally giving up, but instead he was met with a rather cute sight

Arthit was sleeping on the gaming chair, with his hand still holding the controller, kongpob cooed at his cuteness before walking over to him

Slowly and quietly lifting him up in his arms, Kongpob lay him on the bed comfortably, before crouching down and placing multiple pecks all over his face

Arthit squirmed in his place, mumbling some random words, and Kongpob got hold of a few

"I practiced, I'm better" was what arthit mumbled

"I'm proud of you baby, but for now, let's sleep" kongpob replied, kissing his forehead again

Arthit smiled at the touch and nodded, snuggling inside the fluffy blankets as kongpob kept stroking his hair with an 'I know I'm whipped' look on his face

I purple you 💜

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