Staying over

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This is the continuation of my story "all that matters" on the special request of sukhi-peraya

The door bell rung as arthit stood up with a rather confused expression, it was late in night, kongpob was already home, who could it be?

Nonetheless he made his way to the door and pulled it open only to find a grinning aim with more than four bags somehow managed in his hands

"I thought you weren't coming, Kong said you were busy" arthit chuckled grabbing two of the bags

"Surprises are always great" aim replied as he walked in with arthit following him

"What did you bring?" Kongpob's voice echoed from the living room into the hall

"Three boxes of pizza!" Aim yelled back

Reaching the living room, arthit grabbed the bag having the pizza boxes as he carried them to the kitchen, to serve them in plates with the cold drink aim had brought along

The three males watched the football match while munching on the pizza, arthit leaning over kongpob every now and then and aim scrunching his nose at the love birds making arthit laugh out loud

Once the match was over and the television was turned off, arthit yawned as he mumbled how bored he immediately felt

"Okay, I brought a bunch of my favourite board games and there's random snacks in the third bag" aim informed as he stood up to grab the bags

"Woah, you are very ready to handle everything, aren't you?" Kongpob chuckled

Aim grinned at him before he pulled out the first board game, the classic one, ludo

It was three games later when arthit gave up on his luck with the cutest pout possible, he lost three games straight, his strategies didn't work

"I hate this game" arthit groaned

"The game seems to hate you too" aim laughed

"Very funny" arthit scoffed making the other two burst out laughing

The second game was pulled out, monopoly, arthit grabbed a packet of chips, kongpob got himself a can of soda while aim only munched on a snickers bar

It was rather late at night when arthit announced that he is beyond tired and just needed sleep while kongpob agreed

"Good night then" aim said as he stood up, grabbing the fourth bag as he walked towards the spare bedroom

"The doors there!" Kongpob yelled confused

"Oh did I forget to mention? I'm staying over" aim announced

"Really?" Arthit asked grinning

Aim nodded in agreement, chuckling at how excited the other looked

Kongpob groaned silently, he really wanted to have some alone time with arthit, but now that aim is staying over he knew what exactly arthit was going to suggest

"Let's not sleep in separate rooms then, we can shift these couches and let's sleep on the spare mattresses!" Arthit suggested turning to face kongpob

Kongpob passed him a forced grin, while he glared at aim who only tried his best to not laugh out loud

I purple you 💜

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