I'm here

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Arthit tiredly pushed the door open to his house, kicking off his shoes, he put his bag on the table and hung his coat on the hanger, regretting it Kinda immediately

The weather was too cold to be staying without a jacket, shutting the door close he hurried inside, making his way to the bedroom, he needed a sweater

He knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open and as he had expected, he found komgpob sitting upright on his desk, head practically inside the book, as he mumbled whatever he was learning

Arthit sighed, he hated this, when kongpob made his grades his priority instead of his health

It was freezing cold and see this kid, seating on his cold chair without a sweater, hasn't even turned the room heater on and studying

"What did I spend my money on if you didn't want to use it at all?" Arthit asked, leaning against the doorframe

Kongpob flinched, turning his eyes to look at arthit, he sighed with relief the next minute

"You scared me.." kongpob mumbled

"And you are scaring me bun, what are you doing here, in freezing cold weather?" Arthit asked, walking closer to the other

"I have my math exam day after tomorrow, you know I suck at it" kongpob complained

"Another thing you suck at, is taking care of yourself, you are terrible at it" arthit replied, chuckling softly

Kongpob pouted in response, all he wanted was to sit in arthits embrace and feel warm but his fear of maths wanted him to keep studying in the cold

"And since my baby doesn't know how to care about himself, I will do it instead" arthit said before lifting the other up from the chair

Kongpobs eyes widened in surprise, he held onto arthiys shoulders for dear life before glaring at him for scaring him yet again

Arthit only laughed in response before taking him to the closet, he picked out their night wears, and prepared a good, hot bath

Once they were out, arthit tucked themselves in the bed, under the covers, not forgetting to switch on the heater

Kongpob snuggled up closet in his chest, curling against him like a baby making arthit smile softly, patting his hair

"Isn't this better?" Arthit asked

Kongpob nodded against his chest, wanting to get closer and closer

"Bun, it's tickling me" arthit giggled

Kongpob looked up at him and smiled, he held more than just adoration in his eyes, he loved this man with everything he had, and he knew it

Arthit booped his nose, making kongpob srunch it right after and arthit loved how cute the younger one looked

"It's a Sunday tomorrow and I will help you study, get a good sleep first" arthit suggested

Kongpob nodded again, pecking the other on the lips, he lay back down on the bed or practically on arthit

Arthif kissed his hair a multiple times, pulled him further over himself, hugging him tighter than ever, burying his face in his neck, feeling at home

"I love you oon" kongpob whispered

"Love you too bun" arthit whispered back

I purple you 💜

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