Yes professor

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This story is on the special request of BTS_F7

"Good morning class" arthit greeted a little louder, hoping to gain the student's attention

"Good morning professor" the class positively greeted back

"I hope everyone is ready for the geography test today?" Arthit asked, pulling out the question papers from his desk

The class didn't reply and instead talked among themselves, about how scared they were for the test and how nobody believed they would pass

"It isn't going to be very hard, I hope I taught all of you properly, please prove me right with this test marks" arthit said, passing a question paper to each student

"Did you study anything?" Aim whispered

"Obviously I was forced to, but I'm not really sure if anything went inside this head of mine" kongpob whispered back

"What's the advantage of having a professor husband then?" Aim asked

Kongpob's eyes slightly widened as he hit aim on the back of his head glaring at the other who winced in pain

"Keep quiet! Don't you know? It's a secret" kongpob replied

Aim huffed angrily before turning to his question paper that arthit just passed to him, and noticed how arthit didn't smile at kongpob today, like he every time did

"He seems serious about the test" aim mumbled

"Very serious" kongpob mumbled back rather nervously

Once arthit was done passing all the papers, he stood by his table, took a quick glance at his watch before he announced

"You may begin"

Pen scribbling noises filled the room not much later, all the heads were bent on their desks, hiding under the papers, a few happy squeaks while others cried sorrowfully

Kongpob was of the second category, not a single question in the paper was what he had studied yesterday

Did I perhaps study the wrong chapter? Kongpob asked himself

Arthit kept a watch on each and every student, though his eyes stopped at kongpob every now and then, he sighed worriedly noticing how uncomfortable Kongpob looked and it was clear that the other knew nothing

Arthit shook his disappointedly, but having no way of helping the other, he simply looked away

"Time's up!" Arthit informed as he began collecting the answer sheets

"What have you written?" Aim asked curiously

"Literally anything, I have no idea" kongpob replied, hiding his face in his hands

"Mr Rojanapat" Arthit's loud voice suddenly echoed in the room

Kongpob looked up almost immediately and at such a great speed that for a moment he was scared he cracked his neck bone

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