My love

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

Kongpob was on his way to his third class of the day, his books tightly clutched in his hands as he walked lazily

He was about to turn left and walk into the corridor of his class until someone pulled him into an empty classroom instead

"Don't make any noise, it's just me" a sweet voice whispered

Kongpob fluttered his eyes open and sighed in relief once he realised who it was

"You scared me oon" Kongpob pouted

"Sorry baby, I was just too eager to see you, it's been three days since I last saw you even though you are my husband" arthit scoffed at the end

Kongpob chuckled at his childish behavior, Kongpob had been staying at his parent's house since the last three days, his mother complained that she missed him and now it was Arthit's complaint

"I will be back by tomorrow oon, don't worry" kongpob replied kissing the other's cheek

"You better be" arthit replied glaring playfully

Kongpob giggled nodding his head at his words

"Though, what about those bastards? Do they still bully you? Do you want me to show them what I can do?" Arthit asked, his eyes suddenly turning dark

"I'm fine oon, you doing anything will only bring our relationship out in public, don't worry too much" Kongpob replied

"Of course I'm worried, if not you then whom should I worry about?" Arthit asked shrugging his shoulders

"Me, just worry about me but not unnecessarily, I'm fine, really" Kongpob replied flashing him a smile

"I will believe you, but if there is something that bothers you, tell me okay?" Arthit asked softly

Kongpob nodded with a silly grin plasterer on his face

Arthit kissed his cheeks one last time before he let the other go to his class after much tantrums

Arthit and kongpob have been married for a year now, arthit is a third year student while kongpob is still in the first year of college

Arthit's and Kongpob's parent's are childhood friends, Arthit's family belongs to royal mafias and Kongpob's family has been a part of business ever since they began

Arthit is the next mafia king from his family while kongpob will be taking over his father's buisness after college, a complete power couple

Though they have kept their relationship hidden in college, to stay away from any sort of trouble, arthit being the next Mafia king wasn't an easy to ignore topic

Kongpob having his great good looks won the title of the moon of the campus which ignited the fire of jealousy among his other batch mates

Every other day Kongpob would be bullied by his seniors or the students of his own class for stealing their girlfriends, which of course, he never did

Arthit tried his best to handle the matter in secret but it didn't work and kongpob didn't let him take an action in front of everyone, making the other very worried

It was another normal day, kongpob was in the canteen, having his lunch peacefully, waiting for Arthit's class to finish

It was all fine until a group of boys came over to him again, pulling his hair slightly they warned him of their presence

"What's the most handsome man doing?" Hyun asked mockingly

"See, I never did anything to you, so let me be" kongpob replied

"This brat knows how to talk back" fen declared laughing

The others followed him, laughing out loud as kongpob shifted his gaze to his feet, knowing what was about to come

"This bastard stole my fucking girlfriend, what do you have anyway? A fucking good face? Is that all?" Han asked, shoving Kongpob away

Arthit had just finished his class and was heading to the canteen but halted in his steps at the sight in front of him

Kongpob was thrown to the floor, his clothes and his face drenched in coffee and the group of boys seemed to be enjoying it way too much

Arthit's blood boiled, placing his books on the nearby table he stormed towards the boys

A strong punch landed on hyun's face who fell at least fifteen steps away, and groaned in pain, grabbing han by the collar, arthit gave him a hard slap and when he turned to fen, the other himself sat on the floor, arthit kicked him in the stomach anyways

Once he was temporarily done with the three boys, he quickly walked over to a surprised Kongpob and helped him get up

"You are supposed to tell if things go overboard" arthit mumbled

Kongpob didn't reply and only looked away

Arthit turned towards the three boys and it wasn't only them at this point, the whole canteen had it's eyes fixed on arthit and kongpob

"One more word against him and I swear I will make sure to send you to a place where not even I will be and to find you again, stay away from him if you wish to graduate alive, is that clear?!" Arthit yelled at the top of his voice

"What is he to you anyway?" Someone yelled

"He. Is. My. Husband, does that make it reasonable enough to follow my words?" Arthit asked through gritted teeth

Kongpob's eyes widened at the sudden confession and so did everyone else's, and before anyone could utter another word arthit had already pulled Kongpob with him

"You know that was not a good move" Kongpob mumbled

"I don't fucking care until it's going to keep you away from that nonsense" arthit replied looking furious

"Calm down please" Kongpob requested

"I'm trying!" Arthit replied

Kongpob let out a sigh before standing up on his tippy toes and placing a kiss on the other's forehead before giggling

"Forehead kisses always calm me"

Arthit stared at him for a second before he too, let out a chuckle

"You have to be the cutest thing ever made, and all for me, my love"

I purple you 💜

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