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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Oon...where, where are mum and dad?" Kongpob whispered, tears rolling down his cheek repeatedly

Arthit pulled the other closer, hiding him further inside his embrace while he bit his lower lip, trying to quiten his own sobs

"They are somewhere better..I.. " Arthit's voice trailled off as he broke down

Arthit and kongpob were sixteen and fourteen, minors who had suddenly turned orphans overnight, their parents had passed away in a car accident

Arthit's parents and Kongpob's parents were out on a trip while the boys had stayed back at Arthit's uncle because of their school assignments and exams

It was the third day when the news came in, their parents had met with an accident and were no more with them, the news broke them in all possible ways

The light in the lives suddenly went off, it was all dark and Arthit had no idea of what he could do, the younger one was heavily shaken and Arthit felt like it was his duty to handle him, even if it meant by hiding his own emotions

"What are we going to do, oon?" Kongpob asked, his cheeks tear stained

"I will, I will do something Kong, you don't have to worry, not at all" Arthit replied, forcing out a faint smile

Kongpob nodded, breaking down again as Arthit pulled him onto his lap, cradling him like a little baby, rocking him back and forth

"It will get better, I promise, baby" Arthit whispered, kissing the other's forehead softly

Kongpob nodded hastily, wanting to believe what Arthit was saying was true but it was just hard, very hard

"What do you mean I won't get the company?" Arthit asked, anger flashing through his eyes

"You aren't eighteen yet, Arthit" Nina replied, shrugging her shoulders

"You meant to say I won't, ever get the company, don't play smart!" Arthit yelled back

"Why do you think we would let go of the company if we are the ones getting it in the first place?" Nina asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly

"You are exactly what my parents thought of you to be!" Arthit yelled out

"We are taking care of you well enough, aren't we?" Nina asked, gritting her teeth

"Yea, with my fucking money" Arthit argued

"And that kid? Isn't he a burden? Aren't I doing enough for h..." Nina was cut mid sentence by Arthit reaching out to hold her neck

Arthit's shivery hand moved back, he used up all his will power to not crush the lady in front of him, into pieces

"He, is all I have, one word about him and I will make sure you regret it" Arthit warned, glaring at his aunt

Nina scoffed, although her eyed held fear which she tried her best to hide before she walked away, leaving a completely stressed out Arthit behind

"Oon?" Kongpob called, taking off his shoes as he walked further in

Arthit immediately smiled at the sight of the younger who had just come back from school, looking all tired

"How was your day, bub?" Arthit asked, taking off his bag as they walked upstairs

"It was good, I scared an A+ in maths" Kongpob grinned

"That's great, baby" Arthit replied, ruffling his hair

"And your homeroom teacher was asking me of when would you join back?" Kongpob asked, plopping down on the bed

"From next week, I have got just a few matters to deal with" Arthit replied, smiling softly

Kongpob nodded at the information before pulling the blanket over him making Arthit chuckle

"At least get changed, honey" Arthit suggested

Kongpob whined, turning onto his side and Arthit let him be, acknowledging how tired his boyfriend was

It's been a few years since Arthit and Kongpob's parents passed away, Arthit is in the last year of college while Kongpob is in the second, their lives have gotten just a little stable than earlier

Kongpob sat in the canteen, with his head laying on the table, his head was aching a little too much due to the hot weather

"Hun, are you okay?" Arthit's melodious voice ringed through his ears

Kongpob sat up and pouted at Arthit before he shook his head, the other took a seat beside him and kongpob lay himself on arthit like a baby, who kissed his forehead softly

"Can I skip the day? I am tired, oon" kongpob requested

"Baby, I.. um have something to talk to you about" Arthit replied, his grip tightening around the other

Kongpob hummed in response, his body and head slowly feeling at comfort in Arthit's embrace

"Do you want to leave it here? Go and live somewhere else, somewhere better?" Arthit asked softly

"Somewhere better?" Kongpob asked back confused

"Yea, like it's my last year which finishes in a month or two, I have to start working then, we can live at a better place, away from people we don't want, and I will manage everything" Arthit explained

"But how? What about the money we would need?" Kongpob asked, now sitting up straight

Arthit reached out to hold his hand and kongpob smiled at the soft gesture

"The money my parents had kept for me, is mine and the money your parents kept for you is now yours, I will use my money to start up something and we can keep yours for emergency, not spend it right now" Arthit replied

"Are you sure something would work out?" Kongpob asked, a little scared of the coming future

"Yes honey, I'm pretty sure" Arthit reassured him with a dimpled smile

That dimpled smile and Kongpob would believe that sun comes up at night

"I trust you" kongpob mumbled

"And I love you" arthit replied

"So do I" kongpob chuckled

The plot requested included a few more points but I thought that it was enough tragedy for the both of them, so I'm sorry if you didn't like the change laviniagazsi

I purple you 💜

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