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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"I'm in" tutah replied with a silly grin on his face resembling the one he always had on during his college

"Perfect! That is why you are my favourite uncle" ara chirped, clapping her hands in excitement

Arthit and Kongpob glanced at each other before shaking their heads at the uncle and niece's planning

Arthit and kongpob had been in a beautiful marriage since the last six years with a daughter of four years, ara

It was a sunny day, Arthit, Kongpob and a few of their friends were home together to spend time with each other and ara, since they all have busy schedules

"The both of you, I wish to have no serious problems due to your prank ideas" Kongpob glared at his daughter who smiled back sheepishly

"Oh don't you worry, let them both be and stop being a strict mother" arthit chuckled

"Oon" kongpob whined

Arthit chuckled at him before he pulled kongpob towards the kitchen, begging him to cook him something to eat

"Are you both not solved yet?" Knot asked, taking a sip from his cup

"She isn't ready to listen to me" aim replied, glancing at a furious may through the corner of his eyes

"You were at fault by not telling her about the party aim" Tew said

"I know, but I am sorry now and want to apologize, at this rate, I think the possibility of our divorce is high" aim mumbled the last part dramatically

"Here you are being dramatic again, nong may surely must have been tired of you being a dramatic wife" bright replied

"I'm not a wife!" Aim glared at the other

"I see no difference my dear nong" bright teased back

Aim continued glaring while bright was making faces at the other when they heard ara and tutah enter the room

"Uncle aim! I have an important news for you" ara said, running towards aim

"What is it?" Aim asked confused as he pulled ara on his lap

"I heard aunt may talking to aunt noor, she was talking about his she wants to divorce you" ara informed

"What?" Aim yelled louder than he intended to

All the eyes in the room immediately shifted onto him, as he grinned sheepishly and turned back to face ara

"You are joking, aren't you?" Aim asked, looking worried

Ara cutely shook her head, pointing towards tutah indicating he heard it too

"Did she say so?" Aim asked

"She did nong aim" tutah replied, nodding his head simultaneously

Aim gulped, glancing at may who was still frowning all alone near the kitchen

"Did I do that big of a mistake?" Aim whisper asked

"Noor never took any of my mistakes that seriously though" knot replied

"Forgetting to read a book is not a mistake Mr perfect" bright stated 

"What am I to do now?" Aim asked, his face looking pale

"I have an idea" bright replied

Aim turned towards him with eyes shining with hope

"Start practicing your signature, it might help during the documentation time during the process" bright replied grinning

Aim frowned, glaring at him again he looked away disappointedly

Ara bit her lower lip, trying to muffle her giggles before she turned to tutah who winked at her

"Kong! My married life is at danger" aim said entering the kitchen

"Don't disturb mine then nong aim" arthit replied, clinging onto Kongpob ever so cutely

"p'arthit, let me get some advise, don't you wish to see my kids?" Aim asked rather dramatically again

"If they would be like you, then no, I'm not interested" arthit grinned at the other

"They will be like may! All cute and well behaved" aim replied hopefully

"Not as if you can decide" arthit mumbled before exiting the kitchen, leaving the nest friends behind

"Save me" aim pleaded

"Apologize to her" kongpob replied

"She isn't listening! What if its too late? What if she had already appointed a lawyer? What if she had started with the document work? What if..." Aim was cut by a loud gasp

Turning around with furrowed eyebrows, aim's eyes widened at the sight in front of him

There she was, may, glaring at him looking angrier than ever as she walked over to him with heavy steps

"Who are you talking about? Which divorce? Who is this she? Are you married elsewhere too? Are you cheating on me?" May bombarded him with questions

Kongpob who had heard it all and knew it all, tried to surpass his laugh as he quietly exited the kitchen to get the others to watch the drama

"You were..wait what? I am not cheating on you!" Aim said in a high pitched voice

"With whom are you getting a divorce then? With me? Oh my God aim!" May replied

"I am? You were planning to take a divorce weren't you?" Aim asked confused

"Me? Why would I? May asked back

"But ara.." Aim was cut by may

"Oh don't you blame it on the little girl! Are you sick of me and want a divorce? Is that why you are making such stories? I never knew you would be like these aim, I never thought so.." And may carried on yelling at the poor guy until they heard giggles and loud laughters from behind them

They turned around to find everyone gathered up at the entry of the kitchen, laughing as aim looked at ara with his glossy eyes

"I fooled you uncle aim!" Ara chirped excitedly

"And so did I uncle aim" tutah teased

"Fooled? What happened here?" May asked confused

"What happened is you yelled at your innocent husband for no reason" noor replied

And kongpob took his chance to explain may what all had happened about how ara and tutah had planned such a prank and his the fooled aim

May smiled nervously at aim who glared at her with a pout

"Sorry" may said

"Its fine until you don't divorce me" aim said, still looking scared

"Oh I won't! Don't worry" may replied chuckling

"And you little brat, I will get back at you" aim said, glaring at aim who glared back with a thumbs up

Sorry for the missing kongart content in this story, but this is how it was planned out, I hope you like it

I purple you 💜

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