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"I don't believe in this love, nothing like love exists in this world" was what arthit had told kongpob on their first meeting set by their parents

Kongpob chuckled at the thought of how much arthit hated him, always pushing him away, being the rudest and coldest he could although he was just a soft fluff ball from inside

Kongpob had fallen in love with the other sooner than he had expected, arthit was a handsome man and unknowingly was rather caring as well

Leaving kongpob's breakfast behind because he knew the other would wake up late or preparing him a bath when he came home early with the same excuse each time

"I was preparing a bath for myself, this is the extra water, you can go in if you like to"

He had stated that he hated something like love, that it didn't exist and no power in this world could possibly convince him otherwise, and where was he now? Undyingly in love with his husband, Kongpob

Kongpob was deep in his thoughts when he heard the door to their bedroom being opened as arthit peeped in with a calming smile on his face

"I'm back love" arthit informed like any other day, a habit of his which he had adapted just since a while ago

"I'm glad you are" kongpob giggled, loving the nickname arthit used to address him 'love'

A thought crept in his mischievous mind as kongpob immediately built up a frown on his face and a little adorable pout on his lips making arthit coo at him

"And what's suddenly wrong, my love?" Arthit asked, placing his bag on the bed before walking towards kongpob, sitting on the recliner by the window

"Do you remember you said that you hate love on our first meeting?" Kongpob asked

"Yeah I did, but what does that have to do with you being sulky today?" Arthit asked, pinching the other's nose who scrunched it like a baby rabbit being annoyed

"And what did you just call me?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrow

"Love..." Arthit's voice trailed off followed by a loud chuckle

The voice made kongpob's heart beat stable, that's how calming he found the other's laugh to be, it always made him calm and made him feel at home, it was a sign of comfort for him, his safe place

"You know right, for me, you are an exception?" Arthit asked, ruffling the other's hair softly

"Oh, am I?" Kongpob asked back, getting up from his chair and making himself comfortable on Arthit's lap instead

"Oh, yes you are my love" arthit chuckled, kissing the other's temple

"That's a relief" kongpob replied, leaning his head back on Arthit's shoulder who wrapped his arms around the other's waist in a firm grip

"How long has it been since I heard you sing for me?" Kongpob asked, playing with Arthit's fingers, placed on his waist

"Not too long ago" arthit replied smiling ever so softly

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