High school sweethearts

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This story is on the special request of simigreg

Arthit stood by the door of the library, a smile playing on his lips as his eyes were settled on the person sitting right in front of him, his head dipped in the book

Arthit inaudibly chuckled at the other's cute state, as he decided to walk in further, taking a seat beside him

"Good morning love" arthit greeted

Komgpb looked up at him, his frown turned into a beautiful smile as he immediately closed his book shut

"Good morning p'arthit" Kongpob replied

"What's my bun doing?" Arthit asked ruffling his hair

"Trying to find the answers, history isn't an easy subject, the answers seem to be playing hide and seek with me" Kongpob pouted passing the book to arthit

"Let me see if I can find them since I have survived the class that you are in" arthit chuckled, opening up the book

Kongpob nodded, placing his head over his hands on the table as he stared at arthit, who was now focused on the text of the book in his hands

After a while, arthit had helped kongpob find all the answers that he couldn't as he bragged about his extra experience making the younger one chuckle

Once their classes were done, arthit decided to take kongpob out on a date, it had been a while since they went out together due to their busy school life or the preparations by their family for the huge function that was about to take place in a few weeks

"Where do you want to go?" Arthit asked passing the helmet to kongpob

"Let's go out to the amusement park!" Kongpob exclaimed

"Amusement park?" Arthit chuckled

Kongpob pouted as he huffed out angrily

"Don't call me a baby because of my choice now!" Kongpob said

"Oh I wouldn't, though you are my baby" arthit winked at him

Kongpob's cheeks heated up as he mumbled a few in audible words before hoping on the bike with the helmet covering his face to hide his blush

Arthit laughed softly before starting the engine as they drove away to the amusement park

"Let's ride that!" Kongpob requested

"That looks way too high, are you sure you will be alright love?" Arthit asked worriedly

Kongpob huffed at him before making his way to the counter making arthit chuckle as he followed the other

Once the ride was over, Kongpob found it hard to decide where the ground was, his feet walked along in different directions as arthit held him before laughing out loud

"You need to sit down for a while baby" arthit suggested trying his best to suppress his laugh

Obeying what the other said, kongpob sat on the nearby bench, as arthit took a seat beside him, his laugh never stopping

After an hour or so, when Kongpob had nearly finished all the rides, they decided to head back home

Kongpob gave a call to his mother asking her if he could stay over at Arthit's place to which she without any hesitation agreed, why wouldn't she? They will end up living together anyways

Arthit drove to his home at full speed, impatient for reaching home, the time at the amusement park seemed rather tiring for him

"I'm home" kongpob announced as he walked in

"Hey son, how are you?" Loona asked excitedly

"Hello mum, I'm all great, how are you and dad?" Kongpob asked, flashing her a sweet smile

"He is alright and so am I, how's your academics going? I hope arthit is helping you in that field?" Loona asked eyeing arthit

Kongpob glanced at arthit and found him staring at him impatiently which made him chuckle

"Oh yes he had been a great help in every field" kongpob replied

"The love between you both though" loona mumbled, placing her hand over her chest

Kongpob laughed at her reaction whereas arthit caught kongpob's hand in his before smiling at his mother

"Now if you are dome chit chatting with your son in law, can I take my husband for myself for a while?" Arthit asked taking kongpob by surprise

"The confidence and possessiveness though, take him, he is all yours anyways" loona chuckled

Arthit nodded at her before pulling kongpob upstairs with him to his bedroom

"What was that for?" Kongpob mumbled, his cheeks slightly red

"Just declaring my territory" arthit replied with a wink

Once they had finished their dinner, both the males had decided to sleep since they had to go to school the very next day

Arthit's head was placed over kongpob's chest, his hands wrapped around the other's waist and his leg over kongpob's

Kongpob on the other hand, had his right hand wrapped around arthit and his left hand on Arthit's legs as they cuddled ever so peacefully

"You know you didn't have to call me your husband all of a sudden, that surprised me" Kongpob mumbled rather shyly

"It's going to be true in a few weeks anyways, you are my husband bun" arthit chuckled

"Shut up" kongpob whispered

"Even though I'm the top in here I love to be the little spoon" arthit mumbled

"Am I the bottom?" Kongpob asked with a pout

"Are you not?" Arthit asked back raising an eyebrow

"I'm" kongpob mumbled

"Yes you are, my wifey" arthit teased

"Oon!" Kongpob whined making arthit giggle at his cuteness

Arthit snuggled deeper in his neck, placing soft pecks on Kongpob's neck making the other grin

"Let's just get married soon" arthit mumbled before sleep took over the two

I purple you 💜

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