Mine? Yours

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Kong, it's just one class, come on" bright whined

"Bright, it's literally one of the most important class" kongpob replied, rolling his eyes at the other

"Which class according to you is less important? Just once, let's bunk just once, please?" Bright asked, trying his best to sound convincing

Kongpob, though had other plans, chemistry class was one of his favourites and he wasn't going to skip it for some extra lunch with his best friend

Kongpob shook his head and walked off with an annoyed bright following him shortly

"Here he is! The nerdy loser!" Wan cheered

The canteen roared with loud laughters as some people clapped, hooting in excitement

"Ignore them" bright mumbled, grabbing kongpob by the arm

"And what is that joker advising you? To hide again?" Wan laughed out loud

Kongpob glared at him, feeling his insides burn, he hated wan, he hated everyone that supported him in his stupidity

"It won't do no good to you!" Bright yelled out

"What would you do joker? Call out some kind of a secret brother who is a mafia? It's not a movie now, is it?" Wan asked chuckling

"Oh and what if I do?" Bright asked raising an eyebrow

"I swear to touch both of your filthy shoes with my tongue" wan replied as the crown gasped

Kongpob's eyes widened, no, this wasn't happening, was bright really going to call him?

"Then do it!" A loud voice silenced the canteen

Wan's eyebrows crashed together in confusion as he peeked behind the two only to find someone walking towards them, with both his hands tucked in his pockets carelessly

And as he walked closer, the view to his face became clearer and wan's face grew paler

"M..my lor..lord.." Wan muttered

Hushed voices spoke to each other as everyone's head hung low, their eyes stuck to the ground, no one dared to even breath loud, what if it offended their lord?

"I'm here, now fucking do as you swore" he replied coolly

Wan looked back at kongpob, who himself stared at the man with utter surprise while bright smiled proudly

"Now, it seems like a movie, does it?" Bright asked with a slight smirk

Kongpob nudged him with his elbow before hurrying towards the other, who looked calm on the surface, but only kongpob knew how furious he actually was

"Oon, let's let it go, it's not a bi.." Kongpob was cut by him

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" He asked, now glaring at the other

"Arthit, trust me, I asked him to" bright replied in between

"I will deal with you later, for sure" arthit said before turning his gaze back to wan

Kongpob gulped the lump in his throat, he knew, he was surely in trouble

"Aren't you going to do as you said? Do you think I have that much of time to spare on you?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

Wan had turned white, as if all the blood from his body had drained off, he walked forwards with shivering legs and once reached the two boys, bent down on his knees

Kongpob took a step back, he didn't want this

"Arthit, no, please" kongpob mumbled, his innocent, soft eyes staring up at the other

And it worked, like it always did, arthit could never bring himself to deny his little baby, he never could

"Forget it, I don't want your filthy tongue to touch their shoes" arthit said

Wan nodded vigorously as he immediately stood up and backed off

Arthit stuffed his hands in his pocket again before he cleared his throat

"One, one more word about my brother or my fiance and you all would meet the devil, trust me, your Lord wouldn't be very happy to see the two people he loves the most being hurt by anyone like you, now who doesn't fucking get it? I have other ways to explain as well!" Arthit growled

Kongpob flinched beside him, while bright seemed to be enjoying the show

"We understand you lord" the canteen yelled

"Better, because I won't be explaining with words next time" arthit replied

Arthit and kongpob have known each other for more than five years, they had been best of friends and are now ready to get married, to spend their lives with each other

Arthit was the mafia king, also known as the lord by the people, it was the mafia rule, not that they were evil but they were surely feared

The college didn't know about kongpob and arthit because kongpob didn't want them to, he didn't want others to fear him, he wanted to be treated ordinary

"Now, why didn't you tell me before?" Arthit asked

"I didn't want to trouble you" kongpob whispered

"It was luck that I decided to pick you up today, what if I would have never found out?" Arthit asked

"I wanted it that way though.." Kongpob replied

"What do I do with you honestly?" Arthit groaned

"See, I always get you trouble, tension and stress" kongpob pouted looking up at the other

"Baby bear, you know right I would do anything for you? Kill, die, anything?" Arthit asked, his palm on both of Kongpob's cheeks

Kongpob only nodded wordlessly

Arthit leaned down and placed soft kisses all over his face

"Next time, anyone, no matter who, bullies you, and it's only me you will inform" arthit explained

"Okay oon" kongpob replied

Arthit smiled at him while kongpob blushed due to how close the two were

"God, I can't wait to marry you, officially make you mine and only mine" arthit mumbled against other's forehead

"I already am though" kongpob replied

"What?" Arthit asked

"Yours" kongpob whispered

I purple you 💜

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