Sunday Morning

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The sun was shining ever so brightly, the birds chirped cheerfully, and despite the sun being so clear, the wind was rather cold

The ray of the sun hit the window of the room in which two males were sleeping very soundly, all cuddled up around each other

The clock flashed the time, which was apparently nine in the morning and none of the males showed any symptom of waking up

Arthit softly groaned when the sun rays started to fall directly on his face, as time passed, stretching his arms in the air he turned towards his left

There he was, kongpob, sleeping ever so peacefully, his right cheek squished on the pillow, his lips in a small pout and he looked adorable

Arthit's lips curved into a beautiful dimpled smile at the sight of his husband, as he swiftly pulled kongpob further towards him, hiding the other in his embrace

Kongpob mumbled some inaudible words at the sudden change in position, before he brought up his hands which had turned into fists to rub the sleep away from his eyes, like the baby he was

"Good morning love" arthit whispered, kissing the top of his head

"Morning oon" kongpob mumbled in his morning voice before snuggling further in arthit's neck

"Don't you think we have been in bed for too long?" Arthit asked, stroking his hair softly

"And I think we can stay in bed for a little longer" kongpob mumbled

Arthit chuckled at his response, Kongpob's lips curved into a smile as well, the sound of arthit's laugh made his heart flutter, each time he heard it, it sounded special

"My baby loves to cuddle me, doesn't he?" Arthit asked, tightening his grip around the other

Kongpob nodded almost immediately, making arthit smile wider

"So when are you planning to get out of bed?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

"Not anytime soon" kongpob replied grinning

Arthit just ruffled his hair in response, planting several butterfly kisses on his face and kongpob swears, he enjoyed every time bit of it

A few moments passed in silence, with kongpob still hiding in arthit's warmth and arthit stroking the other's hair softly, until kongpob spoke up

"Oon, can I request something?" Kongpob asked, staring up at arthit with his doe eyes

"Anything bun" arthit replied, pecking his lips

"Can I lay over you?" Kongpob asked, his voice almost coming out as a whisper as he turned red

"Over me? What's going on in that little, pretty head of yours?" Arthit asked chuckling

"Nothing! I just wanna lay over you!" Kongpob replied, fiddling with his fingers

"Are you a baby Kong?" Arthit asked giggling

"You always say I'm your baby, why can't I lay over you then? Did you lie all the while?" Kongpob asked back, squinting his eyes at arthit

Kongpob wanted to look angry as a fierce tiger but all he resembled was a little, whiny kitten

"Okay my big baby, you can do as you wish" arthit replied, freeing himself of the accusation

Kongpob immediately grinned before crawling over arthit, laying his head on his chest, kongpob wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his hip, feeling warm all over his body

Arthit held him protectively by wrapping his arms around his waist, as also pulled blanket over them, and he wouldn't lie on how peaceful it felt

"It really feels, wonderful" arthit commented

Kongpob only hummed in satisfaction, too pleased and lazy to reply in words

Arthit was soon back to stroking his hair and he had a high gut feeling that kongpob had fallen asleep again, until the latter spoke up again

"Oon" kongpob called

"Yes love?" Arthit asked

"Um...I love you.." Kongpob whispered as his voice trailed off

Arthit grinned to himself, it was rare of kongpob to initiate such conversation due to how shy he always got

"I love you too bun, so very much" arthit replied, sniffing his hair affectionately

Kongpob smiled a shy smile before snuggling deeper in arthit's neck, kissing it occasionally making the other happier than ever

"I don't think we need to get out of bed at all, let's stay here forever" arthit said, hugging the other rather tight

"I'm all ready for that" kongpob replied, eyes closed, as he felt at peace

"I know love" arthit mumbled, before he too, shut his eyes close, taking in the moment completely

Sunday mornings were what the couple cherished the most, as this was the only time they got to spend together peacefully, without any conversation including the work, it was just them and their never ending love, like it should be

And so they were their favourites

Sunday mornings!

I am sorry for the slow updates, I'm actually in a severe writer's block and I have nothing on my mind, I hope this story was manageable

The requests I'm left to complete will be uploaded soon and I will try my best to not disappoint anyone, the new story I'm writing "Almost" will also be updated soon

I will try to get it all done by this week, if not then by the next week for sure, please manage with me for a while

I purple you 💜

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