Old things

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The weather was gloomy as arthit walked down the street, the wind blowing was soft and cold as it hit arthit's face ever so gently, all the way through his hair it passed without a sound

Arthit's hands were stuffed in the pocket of his jeans, a black over coat covered the half of his face, his eyes seemed to be his most visible feature, since his forehead was covered with his fluffy black locks

Silently walking down the lane, arthit hummed a soft tune, it has been on his mind since the last year, there is nothing else that comes to his mind when he thinks of music, why? It was his favourite

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
And hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I will be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

The song player in his mind, in his voice, as if it was just yesterday that he had scooped him up in his arms and sung it for him, arthit loved his voice, he knew it by heart, it was engraved in his chest

The path seems longer and longer, almost never ending when you are not sure of the destination and arthit had no idea of where to stop, till which extent to go, till which extent to hurt, in deep silence

He blinked his eyes a few times, wanting to get rid of the tiny tears forming, he couldn't cry, he didn't want to, no he wouldn't, he hated seeing arthit cry, arthit would never disappoint him

Walking further he stopped right in front of a cafe, it was utterly familiar, there was no reason for it to not be, it was their date destination, their place, the beginning of their love, and arthit remembered it all, just like the back of his palm

It was a sunny day, arthit was in the cafe, going through his project he had just completed, a clear frown visible on his face as he found it hard to correct all the errors, they seemed to be playing a game of hide and seek

Groaning he slammed the papers on the table before leaning back onto the chair, shutting his eyes close, he exhaled and inhaled deeply, trying to calk himself in the process

"Is something wrong?" A honey like voice called

Arthit slowly opened one eye as he peeked at the stranger, and opened the other one two when he found the stranger taking a seat right in front of him, with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen

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