He is a softie

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This story is on the special request of MianMian125

Kongpob sat on the bench with his arms folded against his chest as he glared at the man seated in front of him

"What part of my sentence was not clear to you in the first time?" Kongpob asked through gritted teeth

The man held his head hung low, his hands shivering as he tried his best to not cry out

"Make him look at me!" Kongpob yelled

The two men nodded as they forced the boy's head up to look straight at kongpob

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will never approach him again, never..." the man shivered even as he spoke

"Same words, same lies, same stupid tone and face" kongpob replied in a sing song voice

"I...I promise I would never.." his voice trailled off as another of Kongpob's companion and his best friend, aim came running in

"He is here, p'arthit is coming here" aim announced

Kongpob's eyes widened, he gestured the boy's to untie him and help him sit up straight

A few minutes later, arthit walked in with the biggest smiles on his face, a bunch of books in his grip

"Kong, we were supposed to go out o..." arthit's voice trailled off as he took in the scene

Kongpob scratched the back of his neck nervously, as he glanced at arthit from the corner of his eyes

"Seriously kongpob? Even in the college campus?" Arthit asked letting out a sigh

"Oon, listen to me, he..." kongpob was cut by arthit

"Whatever he was doing, aren't you supposed to deal with all of this at your place? You promised me!" Arthit argued

Kongpob walked forwards toward arthit with soft steps

"Oon, I'm sorry, this guy was stalking you, how could I leave him alone?" Kongpob asked, his eyes darkening again

Arthit fell quiet as he glanced at the tied up boy, before looking back up at kongpob who was glaring at the boy

"Deal with him then, I'm going home!" Arthit replied as he walked away

"Oon!" Kongpob yelled but the latter was already gone

"Deal with him and make sure he is never around my baby again" Kongpob warned before he followed arthit outside

Kongpob pushed the door open only to find arthit sitting on the couch, hands folded against his chest, cheeks puffed out and a pout adoring his lips

Kongpob bit his lower lip to prevent himself from smiling, the situation was critical

"Baby" kongpob called

Arthit loosened for a second before he sat firm again

"Bun, bunny" kongpob called, sitting beside the other

Arthit moved away, now staring at the opposite side

"Darling, listen to me, please" kongpob mumbled with a tiny pout

"What?" Arthit asked coldly

"That guy was stalking you for more than a month, I explained him sweetly more than twice but he wasnt listening and so I had to teach him in a proper way" kongpob replied

"We had a date today, you ruined it" arthit whined, leaning onto his shoulder

Kongpob swiftly pulled the other up on his lap, making arthit gasp and hide his face in Kongpob's chest making the other chuckle

Kongpob placed his hands around arthits waist in a possessive grip while arthit had his hands around the others neck, face still hidden

"We can still go out on the date bun" kongpob informed

Arthit shook his head slowly

"Does my oon not want to stay away from me now?" Kongpob asked teasingly

"Shut up" arthit hissed

Kongpob chuckled, placing his chin on arthits head, he hugged the other closer, making arthit smile wider

"So what do you wanna do?" Kongpob asked softly

"Cuddle maybe?" Arthit asked

"As you wish baby" Kongpob replied

"Why does it feel like I'm the younger one when actually it's you?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow at him

"Because you are my baby, age isn't the factor here bun" kongpob replied

"Well I don't mind being your baby" arthit replied snuggling in closer

"What are we making?" Arthit asked

"Pancakes" kongpob replied, studying the recipe book thoroughly

Arthit nodded in agreement, cracking the eggs beside the stove

"Got it, isn't hard at all" kongpob mumbled to himself, shutting the book close

Arthit silently did the work he was assigned to, while kongpob circled his arms around the others waist, placing his chin on his shoulder

Arthit smiled, still continuing his work, very much used to the back hugs by his boyfriend

Kongpob kissed arthit's cheek softly, once, twice, thrice and then he just didn't stop as he kept kissing his cheek every second, continuously

"Kongy" arthit whined playfully

Kongoob grinned, kissing him harder making arthit yell followed by his melodious laughter

Kongpob turned arthit's face towards him, taking his lips in between his own, he kissed him deep and arthif completely gave in, melting ever so softly

Once they pulled apart kongpob joined their foreheads together still smiling

"Kongy" arthit called

Kongpob hummed in response

"You are still left with your homework and the classwork of the lecture you bunked to deal with that guy, honey" arthit replied suppressing his laugh

Kongpob groaned, letting go of arthit who broke into fits of laughter the very next second

"Why do you have to be the elder one here?" Kongpob asked with his helpless yet adorable eyes

Arthit swiftly pecked his nose

"Go, complete your homework Mr baddy" arthit chuckled

I purple you 💜

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