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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi, sorry for a few changes that I made

"I'm leaving!" Arthit yelled from the main door

"Wait a second, will you?" Kongpob yelled back making arthit halt in his steps

"What is it now?" Arthit asked back, chuckling at his overprotective husband

"Could you please make sure to drive slow? I have this very weird feeling inside me today" kongpob requested

"Hun, I'm going to be alright, I promise" arthit replied, caressing the other's cheek

"Still, please..." Kongpob whispered

"Okay, I will drive as slow as I can, okay? And I will call you as soon as I reach the office, deal?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

"Deal" kongpob replied with a small smile

"Mom, what do you want me to make for lunch?" Kongpob asked, going through the vegetable basket

"How about a bottle of poison?" Loona asked back, raising an eyebrow at him

Kongpob sighed, he was used to such replies on a daily basis, he hung his head low before quietly grabbing a few cabbages, deciding to make a cabbage soup

Arthit and kongpob had been married for more than a year, but arthit's mother was still very against them, more than she was on the first day

She treated kongpob in the worst way she could, there was no physical abuse but the verbal and mental abuse wasn't any less

Kongpob always hid it from arthit, he always noticed how the other fought with his mom to take his side, kongpob didn't want to ruin their relation

It was early in the evening, and kongpob had this weird sensation in his chest, he felt something was wrong, he felt suffocated and it was getting hard to breath

Nonetheless, he decided to shrug off his negative thoughts and carry on with his daily household chores

The day seemed to be going on very slow, although kongpob was done with all his work but the clock hands didn't seem to move an inch

He grabbed his phone and pressed onto arthit's contacts, thinking of what the other was doing

Oon 💖

Oon, you will be coming earlier today, won't you?

The message was delivered and not even a second later there was an incoming call from arthit's phone, Kongpob's eyes lit up as he received the call

"Hell.." Kongpob was cut by an unfamiliar shrill voice

"Am I talking to Arthit Rojanapat's husband?" The female asked

"Yes, is something wrong?" Kongpob asked back confused

"I'm sorry to inform, but he has been admitted to the hospital, he met with an accident half an hour ago, his injuries are severe and we are afraid of the worst happening, will you please come over to the hospital for the surgery to happen?" The female asked

Kongpob's eyes had widened at the first word itself, a lone tear rolled down his eyes, the phone fell from his hands and his world collapsed

"Kongpob? Are you planning to kill me? Where are my medicin.." Loona's words denied to fall out at the sight of Kongpob's state

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