Forever and more

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This is the continuation of my story "bookish" on the special request of Call_me_HONEY____ and mohainaalisarat

"Can you for once pay me some attention?" Arthit asked, folding his hand against his chest

Kongpob looked up from his book, before chuckling softly as he got back to reading the crinkly pages not even a second later

"Don't tell me you are cheating on me with that book, are you?" Arthit asked angrily, plopping right beside kongpob

"Of course I'm not, my love" kongpob replied, his eyes never leaving the book

"Don't call me with those nicknames, I'm not melting" arthit argued, looking away

Kongpob glanced at him, arthit looked the cutest when he was sulking, something kongpob adored about him, and the fact that he sulked most of the time couldn't be unnoticed

Placing the bookmark on the very correct line, kongpob shut the book close and placed it softly on the table beside his bed before turning to the other

"Are you sulking now?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrow

"Why would you care? Continue reading that book of yours" arthit replied, scooting away

Kongpob chuckled inaudibly, not wanting to anger the other any further, before he pulled the other towards him

"You know I wasn't ignoring you hun" kongpob said

"Of course you were" arthit replied

"That book has played a very important part in us meeting love, that is why I love it as much as I love you" kongpob said, wrapping his arms around the other's waist

"See, you accepted that you don't love me more than the book" arthit pouted, fiddling with his fingers

"Not that I love you any less" kongpob argued, placing soft kisses on his cheek

Arthit smiled at the feeling, but quickly held it in, wanting a lot more of Kongpob's attention and love, all for himself

"I just wanted you to cuddle me, but you chose to sit with that book of yours!" Arthit replied

"We can always cuddle later oon, you wanna cuddle now?" Kongpob asked, tightening his grip around the other

"Oh no I don't, do whatever you wish to" arthit replied, getting away from him

"And what if I just do the perfect thing to make up, I promise you will jump right in my arms" kongpob challenged the other, raising an eyebrow at him

"Try me" arthit replied, hiding under the covers, smiling internally, enjoying the efforts kongpob was ready to put

Kongpob quickly pulled the covers down, placing a long kiss on the other's nose, he got off the bed, making his way to the kitchen

"Love! Come down, my apologies are ready!" Kongpob yelled from the dining room

Arthit yawned, the latter had actually fallen asleep, kongpob took more than an hour and he was tired, his initial plan was to sleep all cuddled up in his boyfriend's arms, but it works this way too, sleep is the priority

Walking down the stairs, he heard his stomach rumble at the delicious smile that got into his pretty, tiny nose, hopping towards the dining table excitedly, he gave an amazed gasp at the food decorated on the table

"You cooked all of that?" Arthit asked, glancing at each dish

"Yes I did, anything to stop you from sulking" kongpob replied, placing the very last dish on the table

Arthit grinned at him, the other had returned to the kitchen to clean up the stove real quick when he felt two arms wrap around his waist as arthit placed his head on his shoulder like the little baby he was

"I love you, so very much" arthit mumbled

"I know how food is your love language honey" kongpob chuckled, pecking his cheek

Arthit grinned at him, giving him a soft kiss on his neck, where kongpob loved to be kisses, he hurried back to the dining table, not wanting to waste even a second more

"Love, could you close your eyes for a minute?" Kongpob asked

"Is it not done yet?" Arthit chuckled, shutting his eyes close

"Doesn't look like" kongpob replied, before quickly grabbing the customize bouquet he had bought in the evening

Arthit had a smile plastered on his face since the lunch time, food was something a person could use to express his love for arthit and arthit would do the same by eating it all up, leaving no crumbs

"Okay, open up" kongpob said

Arthit opened his eyes at once, which grew wide at the beautiful bouquet right in front of him, it was made up of various beautiful flowers, few which arthit knew and few he didn't, in total, it was the best he had ever received

"Like it?" Kongpob asked

"Love it" arthit grinned back

"Just like I love you" kongpob replied

"You cuddle me and I will love you too" arthit said

Kongpob laughed out loud, while arthit enjoyed the melodic voice, he always wondered if the arthit in the book was actually kongpob, the typical dreamy man

"You aren't any ordinary man either, the most beautiful I have ever seen" kongpob suddenly replied

"You heard my thoughts?" Arthit asked surprised

"Cuddles?" Kongpob asked back, before pulling the other in his arms

Arthit placed a soft kiss on his nose before he snuggled into his neck

"I love you, forever!" Arthit confessed

"Forever and more" kongpob mumbled

I purple you 💜

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