Me and you

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This story is onthe special request of q_Lina I'm sorry for the changes i made

"Kong, don't you think Arthit is a little distant?" Aim questioned as he placed a spoonful of rice in his mouth

Kongpob raised an eyebrow as he continued chewing his own meal, rather surprised at the sudden curiosity of his best friend

Aim chewed quicker and gulped it all in one go before replying to the unsaid question of Kongpob

"I mean, I don't ever see him showing any sort of affection towards you, the most he does is call you once a day, as if to check whether you are still alive or not" Aim reasoned out, shrugging off his shoulders

Kongpob chuckled at Aim's concern before he chewed up his last bite, pushing the utensils away

"It's nothing like that, he is just not as expressive as normal people usually are, it's his normal" Kongpob explained, getting up from where he sat

Aim stood up with him, wiping his hands on the napkin he nodded, not completely satisfied but with nothing new to argue, and so he accepted his defeat rather silently

Kongpob walked off towards the surgical theatre with Aim following him shortly, the both stood at the door and then glanced at each other with an encouraging smile, they knew it was going to be a long night

Kongpob and Aim were best friends for as long as they could remember, they completed their school together, got their degrees together and even got their first job at the same hospital, they literally are the destined soulmates

Kongpob met Arthit five years ago, in a family functions, Arthit's mother was Kongpob's father's childhood friend which resulted in them wanting Arthit and Kongpob to become friends as well, however the two boys became a lot more than just that

Kongpob and Arthit had instantly shown a liking towards one another and in just a year, Kongpob had proposed Arthit for marriage and the other agreed, making them husbands since the last four years

Kongpob loved Arthit to the moon and back, and so did Arthit but the only problem was how the other could never express his feelings, nor by words and nor by actions, Kongpob, however, was always very understanding

Tonight Kongpob and Aim had to perform a major surgery, which could take them the whole night to complete, Kongpob had forgotten to inform Arthit as he had procrastinated, keeping in mind that Arthit could be busy

Arthit worked at a company as a regular employee, his father had passed away when he was a little kid and his mother wasn't financially strong, and Arthit had to become independent at a very young age, he began working at the age of twenty two, alongside his college

The door flung open and an exhausted arthit walked in, throwing off his bag at one corner and his shoes at another, he glanced at the wall clock which struck eleven, he was rather late today

He walked in further expecting to see his husband reading a book or simply listening to music but instead he was greeted by a dark room, making him pout in response

"He didn't tell me he was going to be late..." Arthit mumbled to himself tiredly

He made his way to the washroom nonetheless, got into the shower and then changed into something comfortable before falling onto the bed and groaning as his muscles finally relaxed

He pulled out his phone to check if he had missed any messages from his husband, but there were none and he was starting to grow anxious

"Why didn't he tell me he was going to be late? He always does, what's up with him today?" Arthit questioned himself as he sat up straight

He stared at the wallpaper of his phone, a picture of Kongpob smiling ever so widely and Arthit immediately missed him, wanting to be nowhere but in his arms

"Did I do something? Is he mad at me?" Arthit whispered to himself, various different thoughts now running through his head

And just like that the clock struck three and Arhit had not slept even for a second, he was pacing back and forth in his room, clicking his knuckles, he had called Kongpob fourteen times but there was no reply

Arthit was three seconds away from bursting into tears when the bell rung and Arthit ran as if in a marathon, pulled the door open and jumped into the other's arms, clinging onto him like a Koala

"Where on earth were you Kongpob?" Arthit yelled, stuffing his face in the other's neck

Kongpob held the other tightly in his arms before steadily walking in

"I was at the hospital, love, I had to perform a surgery" Kongpob replied calmly

"And who was going to tell me? Do you know how worried I was? I thought you were mad at me, or if I had done something, you idiot!" Arthit ranted out, not letting go of the other the whole time

"Love, you can never do anything to make me mad my baby, I'm really sorry for not informing you, it just slipped my mind, I shouldn't have done that, forgive me, please baby?" Kongpob asked, pouting at the other

Arthit glared at him but gave in, placing a long kiss on the other's lips arthit clung onto him again making Kongpob laugh heartily

Kongpob carried him upstairs, after getting a shower and getting changed into his night clothes, Kongpob lay in the bed with Arthit above him

"How do I get closer?" Arthit whispered

"Love, you are practically on me" kongpob chuckled

"It's not enough" Arthit pouted

Kongpob pulled him even closer, and arthit nuzzled into the other's neck

"And people say that you don't love me enough and aren't affectionate" kongpob whispered to himself

"Huh?" Arthit questioned, not catching the other's words

"Nothing, I love you Oon" Kongpob whispered

"I love you too Kongy" Arthit grinned

I'm really sorry for being so irregular, it's just thar my studies and exams and everything is taking most of my time
I promise that I'll upload something whenever I find even the slightest of time

I purple you 💜

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