As you wish

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This is the continuation of my story "lie" on the special request of Susmitha3 Call_me_HONEY____ Ilajna16

Kongpob groaned tiredly, his lower back hurt way more than it should, no wild thoughts, he had spent the day before cleaning the entire house singlehandedly, why? His husband was coming back home today from a month's buisness trip

As soon as the thought struck him, he jumped off the bed, completely forgetting the burning pain as he made his way to the bathroom, to freshen up

Once he was all done, he hurried to the kitchen, wanting to set up the breakfast before arthit arrived, which could be at any moment

"Where the hell did I place the new carton of orange juice?" Kongpob mumbled to himself

He was busy going through the fridge when he felt two familiar arms sneak around his waist before pulling him further behind, kissing the top of his head

"I missed you" arthit whispered

Kongpob grinned feeling giddy all over, he for sure missed arthit more than anything himself, spinning around in the other's arms, he hugged him tight

"I hate your company" kongpob sulked

Arthit laughed wholeheartedly, before pulling the other towards himself even closer, smelling the familiar and calming scent of his hair, feeling his heart at home

"I'm glad you didn't forget me" kongpob chuckled teasingly

"It's not funny Kong" arthit replied sternly

"Sorry" kongpob replied trying his best to stop himself from laughing out loud

Arthit's grip on the other's waist tightened, a slight tap on his back was enough to indicate that the other one had to jump and arthit wasted no second in catching him securely

Kongpob placed his head on arthit's shoulder like a baby, while arthit walked themselves to the bedroom, the long hours of flight had tired him and all he needed was sleep and kongpob

"How's mom?" Kongpob softly asked, his fingers untangling arthit's hair

"Fine, she is better at my uncle's and I hope she still loves me" arthit mumbled the last part

"Of course she does arthit, you, are her only son" kongpob replied

"She always sees me like a disappointment" arthit mumbled

"She will understand you, soon enough, trust me" kongpob replied, placing butterfly kisses on the other face

Arthit smiled wide in between the kisses, before pulling kongpob in for a real kiss, filled with love and admiration for each other

The kiss was lazy due to the fact that arthit was tired, really really tired, for a second or two, they just remained close with their lips meeting each other's before actually moving them against one another

There was no tongue involved, it was just pure love, no lust, just love and loads of trust

Kongpob was humming himself a soft, relaxing tune as he moved around the kitchen, preparing a two mugs of evening coffee

The both of them had been sleeping all day, or basically it was arthit sleeping the whole day with kongpob tucked safely under him, while the other kept talking about how he spent his days while arthit was away

It was early evening and arthit was still sleeping while kongpob decided to wake the other with a cup of coffee, he couldn't be sleeping all day

"Hun" kongpob softly called, as he walked inside the bedroom

Placing the mugs on the bedside table, he pulled the blanket off arthit making the other whine lazily

"You have been sleeping all day, come on, get up" kongpob said

"In tired" arthit reasoner out

Kongpob chuckled at his babyish voice before beginning to pull the other by his arm into a sitting position

"Fine!" Arthit groaned, glaring at a grinning kongpob

The scene in the Rojanapat house was very homely, arthit was sitting on the couch in the balcony with kongpob sitting on his lap

Arthit had his hands wrapped around the other's waist securely while the other's hands were thrown over the other's shoulders while he babbled nonstop of everything that arthit had  missed while he was away

Though that wasn't where arthit's focus was, his sole focus was on the other's face, his honey like voice, his soft features, his excited hand gestures as he spoke and arthit wondered if it was possible to love someone till this extent?

"Bun.." Arthit called

"Yea?" Kongpob asked, glancing at his husband

"I love you, above everything I missed, I missed you the most" arthit replied

Kongpob's cheeks turned a rosy red as he giggled, hiding his face in the crook of arthit's neck

"I love you too, and I surely missed you more" kongpob mumbled

"As you wish" arthit chuckled, pecking his hair

And it was all fine again, the old memories were back and they wrte more than ready to create a hundred new ones

I purple you 💜

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