The planned date

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This is the continuation of my story "the double sided love" on the request of Bamboo_shoot

"So, can I now take your brother on a date?" Arthit asked hopefully

"You can but I will need you to drop him by seven" knot replied sternly

"Eight?" Arthit requested

"Six?" Knot asked back

"Seven is fine" arthit replied, sighing while kongpob giggled beside him

Arthit and kongpob had begun dating since the last four days, its the first Sunday of the month and arthit decided to take Kongpob out on their first date

Knot being the strict elder brother made it rather hard for arthit to do so as he lay out ruled that the two had to follow or else the permission wouldn't be given

"One, no extra skinships, two, be home till seven and three, I hope all you do is go to a cafe or a park, I better not find you both at odd places" knot explained

What did he mean by odd places? Was one question in Arthit's head before he agreed to follow the rules

"Why do you have such a strict brother?" Arthit asked

"I never knew he was" kongpob chuckled

"Stop laughing about it, the rules are stupid" arthit pouted

"They aren't that bad now, come on" kongpob replied, shrugging his shoulders

"Surely aren't when I wished to have our first kiss under the fountain I'm taking you at" arthit mumbled only for himself to hear

"Did you say something?" Kongpob asked, not catching the others words

"Let's hurry up! We gotta be home by seven" arthit scoffed before walking towards the car with a laughing kongpob following behind

"So you are sticking to the rules huh?" Kongpob asked teasingly, as he got off the car and walked towards the cafe with arthit

"This was my plan since beginning, just that it fits with your brother's ideas" arthit replied, cheekily smiling

Walking further inside, kongpob decided to save them a seat while arthit stood at the counter giving their orders

A while later kongpob found arthit walking towards him with a tray in his hands and a dimpled smile on his face

"Here, a double chocolate cake and ice coffee for you" arthit spoke, imitating a waiter making Kongpob smile before taking his own seat

"Thank you very much" kongpob replied

They spent an hour at the cafe, talking about themselves, and the cafe date seemed like a get to know each other meeting by the end

"Let's get to the next destination now" arthit chirped hurrying towards the car with Kongpob behind

"A library?" Kongpob asked, his eyes shining with excitement

Arthit nodded at him, smiling ever so adoringly

Kongpob stared at the library door with heart eyes before hoping inside with arthit following behind like the whipped boyfriend he is

Kongpob walked through the rows, admiring the books, grabbing any which caught the slightest of his attention

"Though I didn't bring you here to spend up all the time, let's get your favourite books and go to the next place" arthit informed, softly smiling at the excited kid in front of him

Kongpob nodded at his words and set on a war with his heart who was finding it hard to choose just a few, and it took him nearly fifteen minutes to decide three books he was in love with

"This is beautiful" kongpob mumbled staring at the fountain in front of him

"Isn't it? I knew you would like it" arthit replied smiling

Kongpob smiled at arthit who never stopped smiling at him

The wind blowing was cold, it felt relaxing and peaceful as they walked around the park, talking about random things

"Is holding hands an extra skinship?" Arthit suddenly asked

"I don't think so" Kongpob replied, confused at the sudden action when he felt arthit glide his hand in Kongpob's, holding it firmly

"I can do it without breaking rules then" arthit grinned

Kongpob looked back at their hands, and a faint shade of red blush adored his cheeks which arthit immediately noticed

"You look so cute being all shy" arthit praised making the other whine with shyness

They then spent a good amount of time walking around the park, hand in hand as they kept talking in the cool breeze

Arthit stopped the car at Kongpob's door with a pout on his face

"We spent the whole day together p'arthit" Kongpob said, trying to cheer the other

"Not even twelve hours Kongpob sutthalik" arthit replied

"Nine is a lot too though" Kongpob mumbled

Arthit turned to face Kongpob and was about to say something when his eyes caught the figure of knot standing at the door, staring right at them

"The Hitler is here" arthit said grumpily

Kongpob turned to where arthit was looking and chuckled when he found his brother staring at them and understood who arthit was referring to

"Aw, you look cute being all sulky" Kongpob giggled

"Yeah yeah" arthit replied

Kongpob took another quick glance at his brother before leaning forward and placing a kiss on Arthit's cheek

"I love you" he mumbled before exiting the car

Arthit's face immediately lit up, the pout turned into a bright smile as he looked at Kongpob who was walking towards a surprised knot

"Kongpob" arthit called a little louder and saw kongpob turn back to look at him

"I love you too!" He yelled

I purple you 💜

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