Back together

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This is the continuation of my story 'a break' on the special request of ForeverTornWithTears

Kongpob stood by the kitchen counter, watching his beloved boyfriend making him some food in the most adorable way humanly possible

"Can you stop being so adorable?" Kongpob asked, staring at him with puppy eyes

Arthit chuckled at his silly, random choice of words and silently continued his work

It was around five minutes later that Kongpob sneaked behind arthit and put his arms around the others waist and his chin on his shoulder

"Why, do you want me to lock you up and keep you all for myself?" Kongpob asked, nuzzling into arthit's neck

Arthit laughed out loud, wiping his hands on a hand towel, he finally turned around to face the other who immediately hugged him tighter

Kongpob placed his head on arthit's shoulder like the baby he was while arthit patted his back soothingly

"And you wanted a break, here you are clinging onto me like a koala" arthit chuckled

Kongpob whined in response, quietly placing kisses all over arthits neck making the other feel ticklish

"I was crazy, how could I ever stay away from you?" Kongpob mumbled, playing with arthit's chain

"Exactly, you would never be able to" arthit replied, kissing the top of his head

Kongpob frowned at him, a pout forming on his lips as he hit arthit on the arm

"Looks like you were completely fine, huh?" Kongpob asked, glaring at him

Arthit let out a melodious laugh making kongpob smile almost immediately before pulling the other close again, hugging him tight

"Of course I wasn't, I missed you more than you can imagine" arthit replied, kissing the top of his head

"You better did, I would have chopped you into pieces otherwise" kongpob warned

"Such a scary wife I have" arthit replied

"I'm not the wife!" Kongpob pouted, although his cheeks had heated up

"Oh really? Why all red then?" Arthit asked, raising an eyebrow at him mischievously

Kongpob shushed him up before hurrying off to the living room to prevent himself from turning into a living tomato

Around fifteen minutes later, arthit joined him on the couch with the food he had made and kongpob was more than happy, enjoying every bit of it

"You, are the best cook" kongpob commented

"You know other cooks, baby?" Arthit asked

"Can you stop teasing me for once?" Kongpob asked back

"Only if you accept that you are my wifey" arthit replied, grinning at him

Kongpob's face heated up again and he looked away as he stuffed his cheeks with food, chewing like a hamster making arthit coo at this cuteness

Arthit waited for his food to finish patiently before attaching him with his greatest weapon, ticklings

Kongpob laughed out loud, it was always hard for the other to control his laughter and arthit took full advantage of it

"Accept it and I will stop" arthit suggested

"Yah! Rojanapat, you are a dead meat I'm telling you" kongpob warned, in between his laughter

Arthit only laughed along, not taking the other's warning seriously at all

"Okay okay, I'm the wife, I accept it!" Kongpob yelled, and arthit came to halt

Arthit grinned at him and kongpob only frowned until arthit leaned in and pecked his lips

"Oh such an adorable wife" arthit complimented

"Shut up" kongpob mumbled, holding back his smile as he sat up straight

Arthit placed his head on Kongpob's shoulder as they continued watching the television, discussing whatever they were watching

Their break was over and so was the fight and they knew better than anyone, that it only made them stronger and more in love

I purple you 💜

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