Love in different forms

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"Come on everyone! We are playing a game" loona announced, grabbing the attention of all the family members

Aim and his wife may took a seat in front of loona and aroon, Kongpob and arthit sat right beside them while suruchi and kerkarai took seats beside Arthit's patents

"So, the game is pretty simple, the wives will ask the husbands a few questions about themselves and they are supposed to answer it correct, once their chance is done the husbands would do the same" loona explained

"And what about p'arthit and p'kongpob? Who is the wife in here?" Aim asked wiggling his eyebrows teasingly

"P'Kongpob of course, the typical wife material" may replied, grinning at her brother

Arthit chuckled, while kongpob huffed, stuffing his face in his hands, his face red due to the embarrassment

"So decided, Kong is the wife" suruchi declared as everyone cheered in agreement and the game began

"So Mr sutthalik, what do you think my favourite flower is?" Suruchi asked raising an eyebrow at her husband

"Oh of course! It's rose" kerkarai replied confidently

"And why do you think I ask the servants to bring me fresh daises to put in the vase everyday?" Suruchi asked, glaring at her husband rather dangerously

"Oh..." Kerkarai replied, accepting his little defeat

"My turn! What is my favourite colour?" Loona asked, eyes shining with excitement

"Yellow, the colour of your clothes describe your obsession over it" aroon replied chuckling as loona gave a clap of victory

"Aim, when is our anniversary?" May asked, as aim gulped, afraid of his memory power

"'s sometime in April.." Aim's voice trailed off

"And when in April? We surely have a good number of days in that month" may replied

" April?" Aim guessed sheepishly

"You are saved from sleeping on the couch" may replied, squinting her eyes at him

"Now! The perfect couple, there shouldn't be any wrongs in here" suruchi squeaked

"So, Kong, what do you think is my favourite time of the day?" Arthit asked

"Its the evening time obviously, you love to sit by the window and have a cup of coffee with a book in your hands or music to calm your nerves, depending on your moods" kongpob replied, in detail

Everyone hooted in excitement at how perfect the answer was, as arthit nodded chuckling while kongpob just passed a small smile, his mind was somewhere else, he was rather worried, his answers about arthit would be right, but what about Arthit's answers? The other wasn't expressive, they barely spent time together, how much would he know?

"Now, suruchi which is my favourite county to visit?" Kerkarai asked

"Switzerland, winter is your favourite season, you enjoy skiing and the sights there" suruchi replied, glaring at her husband, still upset about the question he failed in earlier

"Ah, yeah..I didn't know you would know that" Kerkarai chuckled nervously

"I ain't like you, I do use my eyes" suruchi replied, looking away

The others giggled at their adorable pair, their love seemed to never end, but wasn't the boring type either, their constant bickering made it a perfectly balanced relationship

"What's my favourite type of cuisine?" Aroon asked

"Korean, not as if someone else cooks for you, I'm in charge of the kitchen honey" loona replied grinning

Their love was something which could be called beautiful, or something to die for, the understanding the two had for each other and the undying love was enough to last for seven lives

"What's my favourite cartoon character? I bet you wouldn't kno.." Aim was cut by may

"Pikachu is who you love the most after me, which is why your favourite colour is also yellow" may replied scoffing

Aim turned red while the others laughed harder, their love was young, the sort of love teenage couples have, constant coffee dates, cuddle nights and a lot of pampering is what keeps them together

"Um..what's a habit of mine I cannot live without?" Kongpob asked softly, hoping arthit would have noticed him at least this much

"Well, there are quite a few, but checking on me hundred times a day seems like something you cannot live without" arthit chuckled as a tint of blush adored Kongpob's cheeks

"Ah! You seem to obvious p" may laughed at her shy brother as everyone followed

The love between these two wasn't perfect, it was simple beautiful with all its flaws, the fights, the loving, the cuddles, all of it mixed together led them to fall for each other, in not the perfect but the best way possible

The couples laughed at the end of the game, the wives glared at their husbands for any wrong answers who grinned at them nervously, but it felt refreshing, the game was fun, not for kerkarai though

"Mr sutthalik" suruchi called

"Yes honey?" Kerkarai asked sweetly

"Couch!" Suruchi replied, stomping off to the bedroom leaving a comically devastated kerkarai behind

Was it boring? I'm sorry if it was

I purple you 💜

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