Fell for him

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This story is on the special request of Ftn1203

"Baby, do you want me to get you something to eat?" Arthit asked, his hand resting over Kongpob's on the table

"Oh yes please, I'm starving" kongpob replied with a soft smile

Arthit smiled at him adoringly before he placed a kiss on his temple, hurrying towards the kitchen debating with himself on what to prepare

Kongpob turned to Aim who's eyes were fixed on Arthit's retreating figure making kongpob frown with confusion as he cleared his throat to get his attention

"What is it?" Kongpob asked

"Don't you think he went through a 180° of change?" Aim asked blankly

"Huh?" Kongpob chuckled at his best friend's expression

"I mean, do you remember the first time you talked to him? He was an asshole" aim whisper yelled, to make sure the mentioned male didn't hear him

Kongpob chuckled softly, nodding at his statement, his mind suddenly taking him down to the memory lane, the old scenes flashing in front of his eyes

Kongpob stared at Arthit through a distance, as he stood there by the pillar with his eyes fixed on the mobile screen in his hands

Arthit was Kongpob's forever kinda crush, though he never talked to him as the other was a loner type, he didn't like people and obviously disliked talking more than necessary

However Kongpob had decided to approach him today, inhaling a steady breath and feeling confident, he walked over to the other who looked at him questioningly

"Hey.." kongpob mumbled

"You are?" Arthit asked

"Kongpob" kongpob replied

"And what do you need?" Arthit asked

"I just wanted to confess som.." kongpob was cut by arthit

"Oh please don't be in love with me, find something better to do with your life, kid" Arthit replied

"Kid?" Kongpob asked surprised

"You prefer, uncle?" Arthit asked back, passing him a tight smile before walked away

Arthit was back in the living room in around fifteen minutes with a plate of pancakes in his hands, as he passed it to Kongpob

Kongpob grinned at him before digging into his food, while Aim still held the confusion and amazement all over his face which didn't go unnoticed by Arthit

"What are you thinking?" Arthit asked curious

"Just about how much you have you changed, you were an a je.." Aim's voice trailled off, and he covered it up with a cough

Kongpob held back himself from laughing out loud while Arthit chuckled taking Aim by surprise yet again, the older arthit would have beaten him up

"I agree, I was a jerk" Arthit replied

"Oh my god, you need to see the doctor" Aim suggested

"Shut up, Aim" kongpob giggled

"Remember the time I proposed you as a joke, just to toy with you?" Arthit asked, his eyes falling

"Could never forget that,you were a jerk" kongpob replied, shaking his head disbelievingly

"What changed you?" Aim asked

"He did, he changed all of me, for the better" Arthit replied, his eyes resting on his favorite sight, Kongpob

Kongpob smiled up at him, stretching his neck just a kittke to place a kiss on his cheek as Arthit kissed his hair, returning the affection

"He made see the world in a different way, and suddenly I didn't curse at the sun for being too bright, nor did I yell at my neighbors for being chirpy in the morning, I began greeting people I knew, I began looking forward to even the tiniest things and all of this made me realize that no matter what, I am stuck here and I have to live on, so why not live it the best way possible, live happy" Arthit explained, his eyes dreamy

"You were a poet?" Aim asked

Arthit chuckled as he shook his head and kongpob only giggled

"I changed because I fell for him" Arthit whispered

"I changed him, because I fell for him" Kongpob replied grinning

"I need to take a break, otherwise I will fall for the both of you" Aim suggested

I purple you 💜

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