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Arthit placed the roses in the flower pot before grinning to himself, his grin was rather evil as he glanced at the clock, waiting for kongpob to be back from the grocery store

Arthit's mischievous little mind was on work today, on his way back from
the gym, he bought himself a bouquet of beautiful red roses with a little plan in his head

Arthit realized how long it has been since he last pranked kongpob and so this what his mission was for the day

Arthit decided to buy himself some roses and when kongpob comes back home, he is going to pretend as if the flowers were given to him by their neighbour, just randomly

Grinning to himself, arthit was so ready when he heard the door clicking open, quickly getting into the character, arthit stared at the flowers with the perfect expressions on

"I'm home love" kongpob called

The house was as silent as before, there was no response from the other, placing the grocery bags on the kitchen counter, kongpob walked towards the living room

"Oh you are back?" Arthit asked, glancing at him for a mete second

"Yeah I'm, where did you get these flowers from?" Kongpob asked, taking a seat beside arthit

"Oh it's just a random gift by our neighbour" arthit replied shrugging his shoulders, his full attention on the roses

Kongpob's eyebrows furrowed at the piece of information he just received as he turned to face arthit

"Why would the neighbour gift you roses?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrow at him

"I don't know, he might have just wanted to" arthit replied, now busy clicking pictures of the flowers

"Aren't you paying too much attention to them? They are just flowers" kongpob scoffed, looking annoyed

"Oh come on, they are probably the prettiest flowers I have ever received" arthit replied

"Excuse me? The flowers I bring you are way prettier" kongpob said, glaring at the other

"I mean, maybe" arthit replied, finally putting the phone away

"So I don't think I need to bring you any flowers anymore, this Mr neighbour seems to be doing enough" kongpob scoffed

"Come on" arthit whined

"But I still don't understand why would he gift you roses? Aren't they a typical flirting flower type?" Kongpob asked frowning visibly

Arthit had to gather up all his internal strength to stop himself from bursting into fits of laughter at the other's reaction

"You are over reacting Kong, it's nothing such, I'm sure, he is just being friendly" arthit replied

"Oh is it? Let me go and thank this friendly neighbour of ours, which house does he live in? What's his name?" Kongpob asked, as he stood up, ready to live

"He lives to our left, the royal blue house, you know how much I love that colour?" Arthit asked grinning

"I do know! What's his name now?" Kongpob asked, a little impatient

"It's Conan" arthit replied, looking away

"Conan what?" Kongpob asked

"Conan....Conan grey" arthit replied, suppressing his laugh

"Conan gr....arthit!" Kongpob yelled when the realisation hit him

Arthit burst into fits of laughter, rolling all over the floor, while kongpob fell back on the couch, feeling extremely relaxed

"I bought these flowers for myself, aren't they pretty?" Arthit chuckled

"That was mean, love" kongpob complained

Arthit chuckled, walking towards kongpob, he quickly hoped on the others lap, placing his hand on his shoulder like the baby he was

"It was fun" arthit mumbled

"I bring you the prettiest flowers okay?" Kongpob asked, tightening his grip around the other

"Of course kongy" arthit replied, nodding softly

Kongpob smiled at the agreement, snuggling his face in the other shoulder, he smiled wider

"But you know the other day..." Arthit's voice trailed off

Kongpob raised an eyebrow at him as the other continued

"Our neighbour asked me if I was single, when you were out for a meeting" arthit replied sheepishly

"I am going to kill this neighbour today!" Kongpob said, trying to get arthit off him who only laughed harder

"You don't have to, I told him that I'm married to the most wonderful human, he wouldn't bother" arthit replied, kissing the other's cheek

"Better" kongpob mumbled, calming down, as his grip on arthit tightened again

"Kongy, I love you" arthit whispered

"I love you too my mischievous little baby" kongpob replied, bopping his nose with arthit's

I purple you 💜

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