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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"You both are the most beautiful couple I have ever seen" suruchi exclaimed

Wish we were real too Kongpob's heart whispered

"Thank you mom" arthit replied with a soft smile on his lips resembling Kongpob's

"The party was a hectic one, wasn't it?" Kongpob asked, stepping inside the house

"Hmm, anyways, I need to go meet nam" arthit replied, his eyes fixed on his phone's screen

"Oh.." Was what Kongpob mumbled

Not sparing him another glance arthit made his way outside to the parking lot and got in his car, driving away to the restraunt namtan had called him in

Kongpob sighed, walking upstairs to his room, which was right beside Arthit's, he fell straight on the bed, ruffling his hair, he shut his eyes right, thinking it would help him in gulping the tears but instead they rolled down in great speed

This is how their perfect couple was behind the doors of their house, completely imperfect and unreal, no love, no affection, no words exchanged, at days it felt like kongpob was all alone in this relationship and Arthit just wasn't there

It was five months ago that they got married, Kongpob's parents and Arthit's parents were childhood friends, they attended the same college and soon became family friends

Arthit and kongpob were best friends since they were young, inseparable and affectionate and that was probably the reason behind their parent's decision of getting them married to each other

Kongpob couldn't be happier, he had always loved arthit, who wouldn't? The elder boy was perfect, be it looks or manners, he was the best in any field he stepped in, while kongpob was just another ordinary guy, with ordinary looks and a typical working man, who would fall for him?

Arthit had informed him on the day of their marriage that he was in a relationship with namtan, a friend of his, Kongpob was surprised at how being the other's best friend he never knew about this little information

Nonetheless, Kongpob agreed, he agreed on sacrificing his happiness, his dreams for that of Arthit's, he decided that they would file a divorce after a few months, that he would set arthit free and cage his own happiness forever

Getting off the bed, he took a shower and walked back downstairs, to the kitchen, to prepare dinner for arthit who wasn't home yet making kongpob worry

Although they were at a family party, kongpob knew arthit must be hungry, since the elder male didn't usually eat spice and the food at party's is bound to be spicy, unaware of the fact that Arthit's little date with namtan was in a restraunt, kongpob prepared the other's dinner and left it in the fridge with a note before deciding to sleep

Unlocking the door with the pair of keys arthit had, he made his way straight to the fridge, opening it up he was about to pick up a bottle of water when his eyes fell on a covered plate with a note

I guessed you must be hungry, your dinner :-)

"Did he just assume that I wouldn't eat at a restraunt date? Or wait I forgot to inform this caring bean about it" arthit mumbled to himself before pulling out the plate

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