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This story is on the special request of Bright-earth I'm so so sorry for being so late, but I had genuine reasons

"High school students?" Arthit repeated for the second time, raising an eyebrow questioningly

"Yes sir, high school students" Linda replied, shrugging her shoulders indicating her own cluelessness

Arthit moved back in his chair, his elbow resting on the table as he toyed with the pen

"Let them" Arthit ordered as Linda nodded

A minute or two passed as two very young looking boys entered the room, one of them was looking like a rather well dressed gentleman holding onto a file while the other seemed out of place and pretty much forced in and one of them caught Arthit's attention

"Introduce yourselves, please" Arthit requested

"I'm Kongpob Sutthalik and this is my friend Aim kinnawat" The well dressed one spoke up

"And you are here for?" Arthit asked, sitting up straight, his full attention on the younger one

"Well, I know it's a little unrealistic for you to agree to this, but I need a little capital for a project of ours" Kongpob mumbled, his voice a little low

Arthit chuckled softly taking the other by surprise, who glanced back at Aim, the boy busy in nothing but looking around

"What is your project? A bus stand in your faculty?" Arthit chuckled

"Uh..yea.." Kongpob's voice trailled off

Arthit glanced at his nervous figure as he tilted his head to a side, unintentionally and could see Kongpob following his action

"What is in it for me?" Arthit questioned

Kongpob hurriedly flipped open the file and put it in front of the other who appeared to be impressed by the efforts Kongpob had put in

"I'll let you know about it soon, say a day or two?" Arthit suggested

Kongpob nodded with a wide grin making Arthit bite his lower lip to prevent himself from giggling

"May I have your number? You know, to contact you about it.." Arthit suggested in an unsure and low tone

Kongpob nodded with a casual expression, writing down his number on a piece of paper as they made their way out of the company

Arthit lay back on his chair, swinging it right after and giggling as he stared at the scribbled numbers on the papers

"Am I crazy? Or was he just so cute?" Arthit whispered

"Am I crazy? Or was he just insanely beautiful?" Kongpob mumbled, his eyes dreamy

"He was scary, you are crazy" Aim replied, huffing out loud

Kongpob rolled his eyes at his best friend, before crawling back into his dreamland

"I highly doubt he's even going to consider our plan" Aim stated, shrugging off his shoulders

"Whose fault was it in the first place? Only if you hadn't fought with those jerks trying to be badass, we wouldn't be doing this" Kongpob replied, passing a pressed smile before walking off

Aim stuck out his tongue before quickly catching up with the other, he had only one best friend after all, he had to keep him

Kongpob bid Aim goodbye about fifteen minutes later as he walked towards his house, the smile never fading off of his face and he had no genuine reason

Kongpob hurried upstairs to his bedroom, pulling out his phone he went online, looking around for some information of Arthit, it should be easy to stalk a Rojanapat after all

An hour or two passed and Kongpob had little to no information of the other, he sat with his thumbs working on his mobile screen while his face was all sulky

"Arthit secretive Rojanapat" kongpob mumbled

He was about to put his phone away in dissapointment when a text message transformed his life into a bed of roses


I just finished reading your project
file and I think I have no reason of
not approving it

So, we on?

Yes, we on

Kongpob squealed in excitement, immediately dropping a message to Aim, informing him that we got it and the other only feared of meeting the scary ceo again


I just finished reading your project
file and I think I have no reason of
not approving it

So, we on?

Yes, we on
By the way, since you got your deal


Do I get a date?

Kongpob stared at the screen with utmost surprise, nothing rolled off his tongue and his fingers had stopped midway

Kongpob bit his lower lip before exercising his thumbs to move again and when they did, he typed off in full confidence


Where ever you say, Mr. Arthit secretive Rojanapat

I purple you 💜

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