The private tutor

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Good morning class" kongpob greeted, entering the classroom full of kids

"Good morning professor" the class greeted back with the same energy

"So, how many of you have completed the homework I gave yesterday?" Kongpob asked, taking a seat

Many hands raised in the air, indicating they have completed the given homework as kongpob smiled in satisfaction

"That's wonderful, let's check the homework now, one by one submit your notebooks" kongpob replied as everyone formed a queue following his order

"What have you done this time honestly?" Arthit asked glaring at his brother

"Nothing, the teachers here hate me for no reason" Daniel grinned

Arthit hit him on the back of his head before entering the principal's room with Daniel following behind

"Good morning Mr Rojanapat" the principal greeted

"Good morning ma'am" arthit replied, taking a seat

"Well I called you here to discuss Daniel's grades, they are dropping little by little in every passing exam and I'm sincerely worried about him" the principal replied

"I understand ma'am, our parents are quite busy people and so he is home alone most of the time since I work too, but I will try my best to get him to study" arthit said, glancing at his brother every now and then

"Yes yes Mr Rojanapat, I might recommended you to get him a private tutor, it might help him" the principal suggested

"I will surely do something about it ma'am" arthit replied, smiling at her who smiled back

"Kong!" Suruchi yelled from the kitchen

"Yes mum?" Kongpob asked

"I forgot to inform you something, there was someone who called requesting for a private tuition for his brother today" suruchi replied

"Do you have the number?" Kongpob asked

"I sent it to you, I'm smart you know" suruchi softly laughed 

"Yes yes my smart mum, thanks" Kongpob replied chuckling

Clicking on the call button, Kongpob put his red pen away, which he was using to correct the notebooks of the students

"Hello?" A soft voice asked

"Good evening sir, I'm Kongpob, I heard you called at my home for private tuitions?" Kongpob asked

"Oh yes yes, I'm arthit and I urgently need a private tutor for my brother, Daniel" arthit replied

"And he is in which grade?" Kongpob asked

"He is in ninth right now" arthit replied

"Okay, please message me your address on this number and I will let you know the timings by tomorrow" kongpob informed

"Thank you so much" arthit replied

"Nothing to worry about, its my job" Kongpob said as he hung up

"Daniel, your tutor would be home in a while, get your books and come downstairs" arthit called

"Aren't you going to work?" Daniel asked

"Not today, I will have to see how the tutor is, if he seems trustworthy enough, I will get to work" arthit replied as Daniel nodded in response

Around fifteen minutes later, the door bell rung as arthit hurried to the door, pulling it open he smiled at the man in front of him

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