Take it slow

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This story is on the special request of rmkimnamjoon2712, sorry for the changes I made
"Kongpob, again?" Aim asked sighing tiredly

Kongpob flashed him a sheepish grin before he turned back to stare at one particular figure across the corridor, eyes filled with adoration

"Why don't you talk to him?" Aim asked, standing beside his best friend

"Do you think he would ever like me? Just look at him, he is so perfect, there is no chance he would like me" kongpob replied, the smile being replaced with a frown

"It's all in your head, I'm damn sure he is in love with you, you haven't but I have seen him stare at you during the lectures" aim informed, smirking ever so slightly

Kongpob's face heated up, he passed him what seemed like a controlled smile before hurrying off to their next class, aim shook his head before quickly following the other

The class was rather noisy, all the students were gathered up around benches in groups, talking ever so loudly, nearly screaming into each other's ears

"Why can't they behave like humans?" Kongpob asked, frowning at his classmates

"They need to be one to behave like it" aim chuckled

Kongpob chuckled as well, the remark was a good one which was rare to expect from aim, his humor was kinda lame

"Did you get the reference textbook?" Kongpob asked, taking a seat

"Shit, I left it in the library, I will be back in no time" aim replied before hurrying out of the class

Kongpob shook his head disbelievingly before pulling out his notebook and the stationary material he would need

"Did I forget to bring my pen?" Kongpob muttered to himself, rummaging in his pencil case

"Do you mind using mine instead?" A voice asked, sweeter than honey was what it sounded like

Kongpob looked up at once only to find arthit standing right in front of him, with him famous dimpled smiled and a pen in his hand, which was forwarded towards kongpob

Kongpob blinked a few times, registering the scene in front of him and once it did, the tip of his ears turned red, his eyes fixed on his table as he slowly shook his head

"Alright, here you go" arthit replied, placing the pen on the table

"Thanks arthit" kongpob mumbled

"It's alright Kong, have a good day" arthit replied before he walked away

"Kong..." Kongpob repeated, feeling himself getting redder

"He called me Kong and gave me his pen, what could that mean?" Kongpob asked for the nineteenth time since their last class

"Honestly, it means nothing Kong, we are not in seventh anymore" aim replied as he shook his head at his best friend

Kongpob's smile turned into a rather sad pout, his gaze fell to the floor while aim sighed at his lovesick state

"Pouting won't help, you should talk to him" aim suggested

"It's hard, I just get paralyzed in front of him, I just can't do.." Kongpob was cut by the same honey like voice

"Am I scary?" Arthit asked, a teasing smile plastered on his face

Kongpob froze in his place while aim grinned, winking at his best friend he slowly disappeared in the corridor

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